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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Dec. Faculty Senate Minutes


December 12, 2002

PRESENT: G.Anderson, J.Avery, L.Bartholome, I.Benz, M.Bower, W.Brewer, D.Brown, S.Cable, S.Callan, L.Chrzan-Williams, J.Downer, K.Farrell, T.Gilbert, E.Grissing, M.Harris, K.Humphrey, J.Kaufman, T.Keys, E.Lewis, A.McIntyre, M.McKinzie, E.Mellas, P.Peterson, B.Robinson, L.Sanger, C.Schwartzott, R.Shea, J.Smith, G.Toth, H.Wheeler STUDENT REPRESENATIVE: D.O'Hanlon ABSENT: P.Bates, T.Cuby, T.DiGiacomo, J.Ekis, K.Fox, R.Kuempel, E.Laidlaw, K.Marhatta, J.McCauley, D.Mohr, S.Ruckert, C.Sardone, L.Silvers, B.Smith, J.Snyder GUESTS: V.Avalone, K.Canfield C.Cooper, B.Cunningham, J.Glocker, D.Degus, H.Murphy

Meeting called to order: 3:35pm

1. Guest Speakers: Vice President Janet Glocker discussed the new faculty course and developmental activities.
a) B.Lovenheim, C.Smith, and K.Canfield were helpful in putting this process together. Glocker distributed a copy of a memo to President Flynn that outlined the new faculty developmental activities. The idea is to bring in new faculty in a welcoming and supportive way. A description will be provided to give the new faculty an idea on what to expect when joining the college. Since the development activities are mandatory, the process is outlined in the hiring offer letter. The new faculty member is required to attend the Faculty/staff orientation day in August, which is a teacher specific orientation presented by the TCC. There will be a First Year Faculty Series organized by the TCC. There will also be a second year course, which will replace the requirement for new faculty to take the course at the University of Rochester taught by Alan Glossner. The feedback regarding the University of Rochester course varied. Typically, if the class was populated with mostly MCC faculty, then it was a positive experience. However, if the course was populated with mostly University of Rochester students then it was generally a negative experience. The new activities will consist of: MCC course EDU-500 taught by B.Lovenheim and materials created through a link for education projects. New Faculty attending the course will meet with senior faculty and staff at MCC to understand the behind the scenes. The course will be taken in the spring of faculty member's second year. MCC is making an investment in the new faculty in hopes of keeping them for several years. There is a possibility that the 80% faculty will be invited to the 1st year faculty series.

Vice President Glocker stated that the Board of Trustee's approved the 3 new teacher education proposals which will be sent to Albany shortly. Glocker pointed out to SCAA, the need for establishing a new Department of Education, which will be the first new department at MCC since the late 80s.

b) Bob Cunningham gave an end of the semester update on campus construction.
- Building 5 elevator would be under construction and not in service for over a month.
- Room 7-321 is being striped and rebuilt in the next 4 weeks. Please try to avoid this hallway.
- Campus Center (Student Center): The worse case scenarios discussed last year has not occurred. Faculty, students and Administration have worked well together. Cunningham stated that the 50% mark of Phase 1 has been reached and everything is going well, not perfectly on schedule but within the window. Hopefully, a photo show will be available in February. There doesn't appear to be any problem with the timetable for the moves to take place at the end of the spring semester.
- Shea asked if the Faculty Senate would have a new meeting place in Fall 2003. Cunningham was not certain.

Degus gave an end of the semester update on the Residence Halls construction.
- Vice President Salvador is handling the operational issues with applications. Hopefully, the college will be accepting applications in January with a possible deadline of April 30.
- The model located in the west building will be completed by the beginning of February. It will be used for perspective student tours.
- There will be an open time for faculty to view the residences halls sometime during the spring semester.
- Projected completion date is early June and furniture placement by July. The dedication ceremony will be on or about August 1.
- Degus stated that it was suggested that the Faculty Senate have a discussion on how to involve faculty in the Campus Center and Residence Halls. Administration would like to hear formal input from faculty on how to improve the college learning environment.
- Student Center name has been changed to Campus Center.
- The new Campus Center will give academic departments opportunities to host regional conferences. The Administration is planning to schedule organized sessions, possibly during the spring semester, in order to receive ideas from faculty on how to use these new facilities.
- Shea stated that the MCC Association has approved positions for a Residence Hall Director and 4 resident advisors.
- Degus pointed out that there would not be any college operating dollars used for this project. The residence halls must be self-sustaining.
- Shea stated that after conversations with Administration, there is a need for an ad hoc committee to explore how to use the campus center for academic purposes as well as student life and community center. The committee will be formed in January. If interested, contact Shea.

2. Announcements
a) Shea officially welcomed new Senator Tom Gilbert by giving him the 3Rs pen and mug.

b) Shea distributed an article from CNN.COM education services "Profs troubled by complaining parents".

c) Shea announced that the Faculty Senate Executive Committee has received the report on the new General Education Plan. After the committee has reviewed the report, it will be brought to the Faculty Senate during the spring semester.

3. Approval of Minutes from November Senate Meeting - Approved as written.

4. Action Items
a) Program Revision (PR2): Physical Education Studies (AS degree) Approved unanimously.

b) Program Revision (PR3): Food Production (Certificate Program) Approved unanimously.

c) Program Revision (PR4): Food Management (Certificate Program) Approved unanimously.

d) Program Deactivation (PD2): Food Industry Management (AAS degree)
Question: Is there a time restriction on how long the college can wait until reactivation? Response: There is not a time limit, however any students currently in the program need to be addressed.
Approved unanimously.

Mellas pointed out the process for curriculum proposals: Votes go from Faculty Senate, then the Board of Trustees, then to SUNY State Ed.

5. Standing Committee Reports

Academic Policies (J.Downer on behalf of C.Marhatta)
- Downer reported that the committee expects to receive an update from the Ad Hoc Committee on the Student Opinion of Course and Faculty.
- Downer reported that next semester the committee would be reviewing the course waiver and substitution policy.
- Downer reported that the committee would be reviewing the Academic Policies section of the Faculty Senate Resolutions. Shea pointed out that the Faculty Senate Bylaw revisions were voted on last semester. The Executive Committee will be working on Resolution changes during the spring and can pass amendments without a Senate vote.

Curriculum (E.Mellas)
- Mellas gave a summary of activities for the fall semester. 58 proposals handled, 7 voted on in Senate (about same numbers as in the past).
- Mellas announced that phase 2 of the changes in the curriculum proposal database would probably happen in January. Some screens and fields will be altered with new features and functions to improve the process.
- Mellas reported that the committee looked at the Faculty Senate Resolutions. The committee is working on rewriting and clarifying the curriculum sections. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee will vote on the changes.
- Mellas reported that there would be more professional development and workshop offerings relating to the curriculum proposal database, similar to those from last year. If anyone is having trouble with the database, please let the committee know. People are starting to look at the postings online and make responses.

NEG (S.Cable)
- Cable reported that in January the committee would be working on an accurate listing of current faculty. Cable asked the Senators to please forward to her any personnel changes in their departments. Changes can affect Senator distribution.
- Cable reported that since there was a change to the election process last semester, the committee would need to begin preparing for spring elections.

Planning (L.Chrzan-Williams)
- Chrzan-William reported that the committee met with last year's grant recipients. Copies of handouts from these presentations are available from Chrzan-Williams. Chrzan-Williams stated that it was a great opportunity to see what innovations are happening throughout the college. For example, the Legal Learning Resource Center at DCC is a wonderful place to see.
- Chrzan-Williams reported that the due date for strategic planning grants is December 20 at 4:00 p.m. The committee's decisions are due to the Grants Office by February 21. If anyone is considering a proposal and would like to review examples of past successful proposals, please contact Chrzan-Williams.

Professional Development (W.Brewer)
- Brewer reported that the committee has received and is reviewing 8 NISOD award nominations.
- Brewer announced that the nomination deadline for the Chancellors Awards is December 13 (although not handled by the Professional Development committee.)
- Brewer reported that the committee is working on a June Professional Development workshop, which will possibly extend the 3Rs campaign.

SCAA (M. Harris)
- Harris reported that the committee would meet with Vice President Glocker to discuss the new academic department for teacher preparation. Please forward any questions or comments regarding the new department to Harris.
- Harris reported that there would be an announcement in the MCC Daily Tribune regarding the open forums for the Executive Dean of DCC. Candidate bios can be obtained from the mail slot outside the Faculty Senate Office. Since the open forums are taking place at DCC, the sessions are being videostreamed.
- Harris reported that Director of CUES applications are being received. Kuempel and Lewis are serving on the college's search committee.
- Harris reported that as of today, the search for Assistant Vice President of Administrative Services has interviewed 4 of 6 candidates. The process is moving along.

6. Old Business
a) Shea stated that a draft memo regarding the response to the Proposed Change of Program Inclusion/Exclusion Policy was distributed electronically to Senators. Attached was a summary of all the comments received by the Executive Committee from the open hearings and by e-mail. Since the Senate does not vote on a practice, the Executive Committee would like to send a response to Vice Presidents Glocker and Salvador. After reviewing all the comments, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee outlined two potential recommendations for senate consideration. The Senate will not be voting on the practice, however the Executive Committee would like to have a consensus on what recommendations are forwarded to the Vice Presidents. Shea requested that the Senators discuss the memo with their constituents so the recommendations can be forwarded in early spring semester.
Schwartzott requested that the Senators review all comments. The Executive Committee's two recommendations were taken from the comments. Present the information to your constituents in order to see if there is an agreement on these recommendations.
Shea requested Senators to forward any comments back to the Executive Committee. Chrzan-Williams pointed out the absence of comments will be interpreted as agreement.

7. New Business
a) A Senator asked who receives the Faculty Senate Executive Committee minutes. Shea stated that all Senators including, administration and student officers. It is not distributed to the entire faculty. Senators are responsible for forwarding this information to their constituents. A Senator asked if the minutes are posted/distributed within any timeframe. Murphy stated that the minutes are distributed within a week of being approved.

b) Vice President Glocker pointed out that the article distributed has inaccurate information relating to page 2, 3rd paragraph from bottom, "privacy codes do not .......". If parents call a faculty member, student permission is required before faculty can discuss any of the student's information with the parents.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45

Respectfully submitted,
Raymond Shea Barbara Robinson
President Secretary

Minutes approved at the January 2003 Faculty Senate meeting.

Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Office