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How to use Degree Audit Sheets

In order to complete a degree audit sheet you will need your On-Course report. Available on-line at
Student On-Course Report.

Step 1. Fill in your completed coursework.

Step 2. Fill in your coursework in progress.

Step 3. Identify coursework to be completed by using the Degree Audit Sheet.

Step 4. Bring your degree audit sheet to an academic advisor or counselor for review. (Academic Advisement Center Bldg 7-211 or at the Damon City Campus, Academic Advisement Center, Room 4139 or the Student Services Center 5th floor )

Links to Helpful Resouces

Academic Advising Atlas - Provides students with a wealth of advisement information, as well as provides advisement via email. (Counseling and Testing - (585)292-2030)

Admissions Office - A source of information for the prospective student from frequently asked question's to being able apply on-line. (Admissions - (585)292-2200)

College Catalog - Available on-line in the Adobe Acrobat format.

Course Descriptions - A complete listing of courses offered at MCC with a list of course descriptions for each program.

Entrance Requirements - a list of what high school courses are required to be acccepted into a program. They can be found in the College catalog.

Graduation - The services provided by the Graduation Office assist you in meeting your goal of completing your Certificate or Degree requirements. (Graduation Office - (585)292-2123)

Student Records - allows a student to look up their on-course report (student transcript and grades). (Records and Registration - (585)292-2300)

Career Center - Offers a wide variety of programs and services for the transfer admissions process, career development, and assistance in obtaining employment. (Transfer and Placement - (585)292-2248)