Degree Audit Sheets

Dental Assisting (DA01, DA02)
MCC Degree Awarded:
Dental Assisting Certificate (DA01)
2014 - 2015

Course NumberCompletedIn
To Be CompletedCourses fulfilling DA01 Requirements (Note: Attribute code appears in brackets, ex. [LT01]):
3ENG 101/200
3SPC 144
3-4BIO 133/134/142
PROGRAM - 23 cr.
4DAS 110 with C**Grade of ā€˜Cā€™ required in all DAS and 'C'- in all DEN to continue in program.

+Students will need to recruit patients to meet requirements.

NOTE TO STUDENTS: Currently enrolled MCC Dental Assisting students who apply for admission into the Dental Hygiene Program for the following year after completing the Dental Assisting Program will be given quality points for the Dental Hygiene courses they completed by January 31st in addition to the quality points that are calculated using the same courses as regular admission into Hygiene. Admission using this pathway will be contingent on successfully completing the Dental Assisting Program. In addition, those Dental Assisting students who wish to be considered for Dental Hygiene will need to meet the Algebra, Chemistry & Biology prerequisites by the application deadline of January 31st.

No student may progress to the next Dental Studies course level without successful completion of all courses in the previous level. A student who has been previously enrolled in Dental Studies and earned a grade below passing or a 'W' will not be eligible for admission/readmission to Dental Studies, unless there are documented extenuating circumstances that warrant consideration. A student who believes there is an extenuating circumstance should speak with an advisor in the Admissions Office or the Advisement Center. Readmission of students after an unsuccessful attempt requires permission of the department and is always on a space available basis. Such an appeal may be made only one time. Dental Studies is a high demand, competitive program; therefore, readmission is rare. Any student who is readmitted to the Dental Studies Program and fails to achieve a passing grade (as outlined for that program) a second time is ineligible to continue in the Dental Studies Program. Admission/Re-Admission is always on a space available basis. Admission to this program is conditional upon meeting medical requirements, clearance of existing problem(s) & ability to meet technical standards (physical demands) of the program.

To practice in NYS, MCC Dental Assisting Students must take the Dental Assisting National Board Examination after graduation.

Students need to have CPR Certification for the health professional (adult, child and infant CPR - No on-line courses).
1DAS 115 with C*
4DAS 120 with C*
2DAS 122 with C*
2DAS 227 with C*
2DEN 111 with C-*
2DEN 112 with C-*
1DEN 113 with C-*
2DEN 121 with C-*+
2DEN 211 with C-*
1DEN 228 with C-*
Total = 32-33 credit hours required for DA01 Certificate. 2.00 CQPA minimum for graduation. F grades do not fulfill requirement. 15 credit hrs. in residence = courses completed at MCC.
2014-2015 College Catalog

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