Degree Audit Sheets

Human Services (HU02)
MCC Degree Awarded:
Human Services Certificate (HU02)
2013 - 2014

Course NumberCompletedIn
To Be CompletedCourses fulfilling HU02 Requirements (Note: Attribute code appears in brackets, ex. [LT01]):
PROGRAM - 24 cr.
4HUM 101 with C-**Grade of ‘C-’ required as indicated for progress to next course.

+ HUM 106 with C-* & HUM 116 with C-* may substitute for HUM 102 & 112.

++ HUM 106 & 116 may be substituted or a student may substitute two courses totaling 6 credits from the following: ACD; ECE; HUM (except 100).

2HUM 111 with C-*
4HUM 102 with C-* +
2HUM 112 with C-* +
4HUM 201 with C-* ++
2HUM 211 with C-* ++
4HUM 202 with C- ++
2HUM 212 with C- ++
Total = 24 credit hours required for HU02 Certificate. 2.00 CQPA minimum for graduation. F grades do not fulfill requirements. l2 credit hours in residence = courses completed at MCC.
2013-2014 College Catalog

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