Degree Audit Sheets

Dental Assisting Rapid Track - D.A.R.T. (DA03)
MCC Degree Awarded:
Dental Assisting Rapid Track - D.A.R.T. Certificate (DA03)
2013 - 2014

Course NumberCompletedIn
To Be CompletedCourses fulfilling DA01/DA02 Requirements (Note: Attribute code appears in brackets, ex. [LT01]):
PROGRAM - 15-24 cr.
4DAS 110 with C* *Grade of "C" or "C-" required as indicated for progress to next course.

NOTE: To remain in the program, students must recieve a grade of C or better in all courses prefixed DAS and a grade of C- in all courses prefixed DEN.
3DAS 117 with C*
1-10DAS 121 with C*
2DAS 227 with C*
2DEN 111 with C-*
1DEN 113 with C-*
2DEN 211 with C-*
Total = 15-24 credit hours (24 equivalent credit hours) required for DA03 Certificate. 2.00 CQPA minimum for graduation. F grades do not fulfill requirement. 8 credit hrs. in residence = courses completed at MCC. This certificate is not Financial Aid eligible
2013-2014 College Catalog

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