Degree Audit Sheets

Precision Machining - Optical Fabrication (PM04)
MCC Degree Awarded:
Precision Machining - Optical Fabrication Certificate (PM04)
2011 - 2012

Course NumberCompletedIn
To Be CompletedCourses fulfilling PM04 Requirements In:
PROGRAM - 32-33 cr.
1-2CRC 113/TEK 101
4OPT 131
4OPT 135
3TAM 101
3TAM 121
3TAM 123
3TAM 131
3TAM 139
3TAM 141
3TAM 142/143
2TAM 205
Total = 32-33 credit hours required for PM04 certificate. 2.00 CQPA minimum for graduation. F grades do not fulfill requirement. 17 credit hours in residence = courses completed at MCC.
2011-2012 College Catalog

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