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Submit a New Audition
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'); $('.progress_bar_container').hide(); $('#message').html('
Your form has been submitted successfully. We will contact you after reviewing the information you provided. Thank you!

' + '
'); } else { //Something weird happened $('#title_status').html(' Error Found'); $('#message').html(data + '
'); $('.progress_bar_container').hide(); } }); } function ValidateForm() { var form_errors = false; $('.form_field_error_msg').hide(); $('.form_field_error').removeClass('form_field_error'); // ------- Validate Form Fields ------- var form_fields = [ "first_name", "last_name", "m_number", "street_address", "city", "state", "zip_code", "countries", "primary_instrument", "experience_years" ]; form_fields.reverse(); //Flip handling order around $.each(form_fields, function (index, value) { if ($.trim($('#' + value).val()) == "") { form_errors = true; var field_jq_object = $('#' + value); field_jq_object.unbind('change').addClass('form_field_error').focus(); $("#err_" + value).show(); //Force a re-validation after they type something... field_jq_object.change(function () { if ($.trim($(field_jq_object).val()) != "") { field_jq_object.removeClass('form_field_error'); $("#err_" + value).hide(); } else { field_jq_object.addClass('form_field_error').focus(); $("#err_" + value).show(); } }); } }); // ------- Separate validation for phone number ------- var area_code_val = $('#area_code').val(); if ($.trim(area_code_val) == "" || area_code_val.length != 3 || parseInt(area_code_val) != area_code_val) { $('#err_phone').show(); $('#area_code').addClass('form_field_error').focus(); form_errors = true; //Force a re-validation after they type something... $('#area_code').change(function () { area_code_obj = $(this); if ($.trim(area_code_obj.val()) == "" || area_code_obj.val().length != 3 || parseInt(area_code_obj.val()) != area_code_obj.val()) { area_code_obj.addClass('form_field_error').focus(); $("#err_phone").show(); } else { area_code_obj.removeClass('form_field_error'); $("#err_phone").hide(); } }); } var phone1_val = $('#phone1').val(); if ($.trim(phone1_val) == "" || phone1_val.length != 3 || parseInt(phone1_val) != phone1_val) { $('#err_phone').show(); $('#phone1').addClass('form_field_error').focus(); form_errors = true; $('#phone1').change(function () { area_code_obj = $(this); if ($.trim(area_code_obj.val()) == "" || area_code_obj.val().length != 3 || parseInt(area_code_obj.val()) != area_code_obj.val()) { area_code_obj.addClass('form_field_error').focus(); $("#err_phone").show(); } else { area_code_obj.removeClass('form_field_error'); $("#err_phone").hide(); } }); } var phone2_val = $('#phone2').val(); if ($.trim(phone2_val) == "" || phone2_val.length != 4 || parseInt(phone2_val) != phone2_val) { $('#err_phone').show(); $('#phone2').addClass('form_field_error').focus(); form_errors = true; $('#phone2').change(function () { area_code_obj = $(this); if ($.trim(area_code_obj.val()) == "" || area_code_obj.val().length != 4 || parseInt(area_code_obj.val()) != area_code_obj.val()) { area_code_obj.addClass('form_field_error').focus(); $("#err_phone").show(); } else { area_code_obj.removeClass('form_field_error'); $("#err_phone").hide(); } }); } if (!$('input:radio[name=skill_level_rating]:checked').val()) { $('#skill_wrapper').addClass('form_field_error').focus(); $('#err_skill_level_rating').show(); form_errors = true; $('input:radio[name=skill_level_rating]').change(function () { frm_obj = $('input:radio[name=skill_level_rating]'); if (!frm_obj.val()) { $('#skill_wrapper').addClass('form_field_error').focus(); $("#err_skill_level_rating").show(); } else { $('#skill_wrapper').removeClass('form_field_error'); $("#err_skill_level_rating").hide(); } }); } // ------- Extra validation for Email ------- var frm_email_address = $('#email_address').val(); regex = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]{2,4})$/; if (!regex.test(frm_email_address)) { //Invalid email address $('#err_email_address2').show(); $('#email_address').addClass('form_field_error').focus(); form_errors = true; $('#email_address').change(function () { frm_obj = $(this); if (!regex.test(frm_obj.val())) { frm_obj.addClass('form_field_error').focus(); $("#err_email_address2").show(); } else { frm_obj.removeClass('form_field_error'); $("#err_email_address2").hide(); } }); } // ------- Separate validation for description ------- if ($.trim(tinyMCE.get('description').getContent()) == "") { $('#err_description').show(); $('#description_wrapper').addClass('form_field_error'); form_errors = true; } if (form_errors) { } else { //Unless we don't need to upload a video. //Upload the form data now $('body').prepend('
'); $('body').prepend('
Processing your submission...
' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
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