MCC News

MCC Board of Trustees December 2018 Meetings (11/19/2018)

Note: This is an ARCHIVED news release. Information in this article may have changed since this was published.

Monroe Community College
Board of Trustees

December 2018 Schedule of Meetings

      Board of Trustees Enrollment Workshop Monday, December 3, 2018, 2:30 pm.
      Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, December 3, 2018, 4:00 pm.

The meetings will be held in the R. Thomas Flynn Campus Center, Warshof Conference Center,
Monroe B, at the College’s Brighton Campus, 1000 East Henrietta Road.

(The meetings may enter into an Executive Session.)
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Editor’s Note: Parking is available in Lot V – Visitors Lot at the front of the campus.

For further information concerning Board of Trustees meetings, including the agenda and minutes, please refer to the Board of Trustees website

Media Contact:
Cynthia Mapes
Government and Community Relations