2+2 Transfer Pathway Guides

2+2 with SUNY University at Buffalo (UB)
B.S. Business Administration-Accounting (BA32) & B.S. Business Administration (BU33)
MCC Degree Awarded:
Business Administration A.S. (BU01)
Please note that some courses required in a 2+2 Dual Admission major may not be required for the MCC program. This could have financial aid implications. Students should meet with their department or with a transfer counselor to discuss an academic plan and recommended sequence of courses.
Distribution Requirements
Credit Hours
FIRST SEMESTER: 16 Credit Hours
BUS 104 - Introduction to Business
ENG 101 - College Composition OR ENG 200 – Advanced Composition
MTH 165 - College Algebra OR higher Required for 2+2 BA32/BU33 MTH 200 +
ACC 101-Accounting Principles I +
MCC HW-Elective*
First Semester Total:
SECOND SEMESTER: 16 Credit Hours
ACC 102 - Accounting Principles II +
MTH 160 Statistics I +
MAR 200 - Principles of Marketing
SUNY-H Elective - Choose from PHL 101 Intro to Philosophy OR PHL 103 Intro to Ethics OR PHL105 Technology and Values OR PHL 250 Professional Ethics
SUNY-OWC Elective* OR SUNY-WC Elective*
Second Semester Total:
THIRD SEMESTER: 15 Credit Hours
BUS 201 - Business Law I (BUS 201, with no grade requirement, will transfer as an elective only for students in BS in Accounting. They must take MGT 403 Business Law at UB.)
BUS 204 Management: Theory and Practice OR
BUS 208 Organizational Behavior Required for 2+2 BA32/BU33 BUS 204
ECO 111 - Principles of Microeconomics+
SUNY-A Elective* OR SUNY-FL Elective* (Excluding music performance, studio art, and drama courses)
Open Elective Required for 2+2 BA32/BU33 PSY 101 Introductory to Psychology +
Third Semester Total:
FOURTH SEMESTER: 15-17 Credit Hours
BUS 220 - Applied Business Applications +
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics+
MTH 161 Statistics II or higher Required for 2+2 BA32/BU33 MTH 200+ if not taken prior
SUNY-NS Elective*
Open Elective Required for 2+2 BA32/BU33 MAR 201 - Dynamics of Selling (offered Spring only)
Fourth Semester Total:
Additional Program Information:
*When choosing SUNY Elective and MCC Elective courses, refer to SUNY General Education Courses: http://www.monroecc.edu/etsdbs/MCCatPub.nsf/suny+gen+ed?OpenView AND
MCC General Education Courses: http://www.monroecc.edu/etsdbs/MCCatPub.nsf/mcc+gen+ed?OpenView
NOTE: MTH 160 & BUS 220 required for match to MGQ 201 Introduction to Statistics for Analytics at UB.
NOTE: MAR 200 and MAR 201 required for match to MGM 301 Principles of Marketing, required UB major course.
NOTE: Accounting Majors:
1. Cumulative 3.0 GPA required in all prerequisite courses. UB requires minimum grade of 'B' in all Accounting courses for Accounting Majors.
2. Accounting Major at UB is Fall semester start only. Additional time at UB will be needed to complete the Accounting degree for students who are juniors and are not ready to enter the junior year accounting curriculum in a fall semester.
NOTE: Keep copies of your work from the courses you take at MCC to incorporate with the UB Curriculum Capstone portfolio requirement. We suggest that you archive them in google.docs or dropbox.
NOTE: Students are encouraged to schedule an Advisor-in-Residence appointment with a UB representative for a detailed academic evaluation and transfer information. Contact MCC Advisement & Transfer Services for dates and times.
NOTE: AP, IB, CLEP, HIGH SCHOOL DUAL CREDIT COURSES, ONLINE COURSES: Credits showing as accepted at MCC may not be transferable. Students should meet with a representative of the four year college or the MCC Advisement and Transfer Services to determine if those credits are transferable.

+Grade Point Average: 2.50 GPA required in courses designated with a "+" and 2.50 overall GPA for BU33 at the point of entry for admission to BS in Business Administration at UB.
3.0 GPA required in courses designated with a "+", a 3.0 overall GPA for BA32 at the point of entry for admission to BS in Accounting at the University of Buffalo. Must meet requirements for admission to UB as defined in your dual admission letter from UB.
B.S. Business Administration/Accounting & Business Administration: http://mgt.buffalo.edu/degree-programs/undergraduate.html

The Business Administration A.S. (BU01) will be the degree student is audited against and awarded from MCC.
Documentation Source: Advisement and Transfer Services 2019-2020.

Links to information at SUNY University at Buffalo (UB)
B. S. Business Administrationhttp://mgt.buffalo.edu/programs/undergrad
SUNY University at Buffalo General Education requirementshttp://undergrad-catalog.buffalo.edu/policies/degree/gened.shtml