
Detective Fiction-WR

Students will read classic and contemporary short stories and novels in sub-genres including golden age, hard-boiled, and police procedural by such authors as Christie, Chandler, Conan Doyle, and Grafton. Students will study the origins and development of genre as a vehicle to examine historical, social, political, intellectual, and cultural contexts. (SUNY-H) . Waiver of Accuplacer Reading and sentence level tests; score of 71 or higher on reading test and 82 or higher on sentence level test; or completion of TRS 200 with a C or better; or completion of TRS 105 with a C or higher; or completion of ESL 201 with a C or higher; or ENG 101 with a C or higher.

ENG-109 Sections for Fall 2016

With the following scheduling option(s)

1 Section Offered

ENG-109, Section 001

CRN #20269
Traditional (In-Person)


Ann Tippett

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureBrighton Campus
Building 06, Room 335
Sep 6th, 2016 – Dec 22nd, 2016Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11:00 am - 11:50 am
Type Lecture
Location Brighton Campus
Building 06, Room 335
Date(s) Sep 6th, 2016 – Dec 22nd, 2016
Day / Time Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11:00 am - 11:50 am