ENG-224: Literature of Horror-WR

Course Description

Students will read classic, modern, and contemporary short stories and novels, with an emphasis on the historical development of the genre. Attention will be given to supernatural, psychological, and allegorical themes and tropes in such fiction, as well as relevant social and historical background information. The course will center on written fiction, with occasional reference to horror in films and other media. Three class hours.


English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.

ENG-224 Sections for Fall 2020

With the following scheduling option(s)

1 Section Offered

ENG-224, Section 001

CRN #10553
Remote (Zoom Meeting)


James Nelson

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureRemote (Zoom Meeting)Aug 26th, 2020 – Dec 22nd, 2020Tuesday, Thursday
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Type Lecture
Location Remote (Zoom Meeting)
Date(s) Aug 26th, 2020 – Dec 22nd, 2020
Day / Time Tuesday, Thursday
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm