CIS-100: Information Processing Fundamentals

Course Description

This is an introductory course in digital computers and information processing concepts. The focus of this course will be on key components of information systems - people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies, and how these components can be integrated and managed to create competitive advantage. Additional topics include computer terminology, networks, the Internet, numbering systems, working with operating systems that use graphical user interface (GUI) and command-line interface, algorithm and program development, pseudo code and flow charting. Students will develop professional communication skills while working in collaborative teams. Students will meet in a networked PC classroom for lab and will be assigned projects to be completed outside of class and laboratory time. Successful completion of this course with a grade of C or better is required for further progress in Computer Information Systems degree programs. Three class hours, two laboratory hours.


MTH 104 with a grade of C or better, or MCC level 8 mathematics placement.

CIS-100 Sections for Fall 2021

With the following scheduling option(s)

2 Sections Offered

CIS-100, Section 185

CRN #12553
Info Proc Fundamentals-WR
Remote (Zoom Meeting)


Patrick Miller

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureRemote (Zoom Meeting)Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021Monday, Wednesday
5:30 pm - 6:50 pm
LaboratoryRemote (Zoom Meeting)Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021Wednesday
7:00 pm - 8:20 pm
Type Lecture
Location Remote (Zoom Meeting)
Date(s) Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021
Day / Time Monday, Wednesday
5:30 pm - 6:50 pm
Type Laboratory
Location Remote (Zoom Meeting)
Date(s) Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021
Day / Time Wednesday
7:00 pm - 8:20 pm

***Open Educational Resource (OER) Courses have eliminated or reduced course material costs***

CIS-100, Section SL1

CRN #21960
Info Proc Fundamentals-WR
Online/Virtual Campus (asynchronous)


Patrick Miller

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021N/A
Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021N/A
Type Lecture
Location Online
Date(s) Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021
Day / Time N/A
Type Laboratory
Location Online
Date(s) Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021
Day / Time N/A

***Open Educational Resource (OER) Courses have eliminated or reduced course material costs***

***Instructor permission is required to register for SLN (online) sections as of one day before the official class start date. Please contact the instructor directly. No permission is necessary prior to that date.***