SOC-100: Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies - WR

Course Description

This course serves as the introduction to the Gender and Sexuality Studies Degree and will provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to the study of gender and sexuality. The course will introduce students to key concepts, theoretical perspectives and analytical tools developed by social scientists and feminist scholars in diverse fields of study. Through this course, students will examine historical movements and contemporary debates, especially as they pertain to the social construction of gender, structural inequalities, and the intersectionality of gender and sexuality with race, class, nationality and dis/ability. A student may earn credit for GSS 100 or SOC 100, but cannot earn credit for both courses because they are equivalent courses. Three class hours.

SOC-100 Sections for Fall 2021

With the following scheduling option(s)

1 Section Offered

SOC-100, Section XH1

CRN #23916
(Hybrid) Intro to Gen & Sex St


Bethany Gizzi

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureBrighton Campus
Building 05, Room 100
Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021Tuesday
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Type Lecture
Location Brighton Campus
Building 05, Room 100
Date(s) Aug 26th, 2021 – Dec 23rd, 2021
Day / Time Tuesday
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm