ECO-103: Personal Money Management

Course Description

A very practical course which teaches you how to create a financial plan to realize goals, such as home ownership and early retirement. By taking this course, you will learn how to avoid credit trouble, save money on automobile purchases, and buy a desirable home. You will also learn how to protect yourself from financial disaster through the purchase of the lowest cost and safest insurance policies. Finally, you will learn how to make your money grow by investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Using the techniques you learn in this class will allow you to plan, save, and spend wisely so you and your family will enjoy a better way of life. Three class hours.

ECO-103 Sections for Spring 2022

With the following scheduling option(s)

5 Sections Offered

ECO-103, Section 007

CRN #20146
Remote (Zoom Meeting)


Sonya Biehler

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureRemote (Zoom Meeting)Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11:00 am - 11:50 am
Type Lecture
Location Remote (Zoom Meeting)
Date(s) Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022
Day / Time Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11:00 am - 11:50 am

ECO-103, Section 032

CRN #20175
Traditional (In-Person)


Sharyn Carlin

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureBrighton Campus
Building 11, Room 103
Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022Tuesday, Thursday
2:00 pm - 3:20 pm
Type Lecture
Location Brighton Campus
Building 11, Room 103
Date(s) Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022
Day / Time Tuesday, Thursday
2:00 pm - 3:20 pm

ECO-103, Section SL1

CRN #21039
Online/Virtual Campus (asynchronous)


Christopher Biehler

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022N/A
Type Lecture
Location Online
Date(s) Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022
Day / Time N/A

***Instructor permission is required to register for SLN (online) sections as of one day before the official class start date. Please contact the instructor directly. No permission is necessary prior to that date.***

ECO-103, Section SL2

CRN #25556
Online/Virtual Campus (asynchronous)


Lauren Blew

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022N/A
Type Lecture
Location Online
Date(s) Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022
Day / Time N/A

***Instructor permission is required to register for SLN (online) sections as of one day before the official class start date. Please contact the instructor directly. No permission is necessary prior to that date.***

ECO-103, Section SL3

CRN #26600
Online/Virtual Campus (asynchronous)


Sonya Biehler

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
Feb 28th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022N/A
Type Lecture
Location Online
Date(s) Feb 28th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022
Day / Time N/A

***Instructor permission is required to register for SLN (online) sections as of one day before the official class start date. Please contact the instructor directly. No permission is necessary prior to that date.***