HIS-103: African-American History I: to 1865-WR

Course Description

This course explores the history of African-Americans since they left their West African ancestral homeland to the moment they were emancipated following the Civil War. It emphasizes the brutalizing impact of the slave trade on its victims, slave life, the establishment of white supremacy, the strategies slaves adopted to transcend their ordeal and the achievements and contributions they made in America. In addition, the course deals with the fight for the emancipation of slaves and the steps leading up to the end of chattel slavery in America. Three class hours. (SUNY-AH)

HIS-103 Sections for Spring 2022

With the following scheduling option(s)

1 Section Offered

HIS-103, Section CC1

CRN #32775
Traditional (In-Person)


Michael Campbell

Scheduled Meeting Times

TypeLocationDate(s)Day / Time
LectureDowntown Campus
Room 450
Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022Monday, Wednesday
10:30 am - 11:45 am
Type Lecture
Location Downtown Campus
Room 450
Date(s) Jan 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022
Day / Time Monday, Wednesday
10:30 am - 11:45 am