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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

A Welcome Back from WAC

The Writing Across the Curriculum Steering Committee welcomes you back into the classroom and, we hope, back to using writing-to-learn strategies in your courses.  We wish to thank those who have officially designated their courses this semester as WR, and to nudge the rest of you to nonetheless make student writing a component of your classroom practices. If you see your main goal as preparing students for the workforce, you will do your students (and their future employees) a huge favor by requiring them to write often, in a variety of contexts, and for different audiences. 

As yet another study from the business world confirms, written communication remains a serious skills gap in the workplace. Writing is everyone’s business.

The WAC Steering Committee exists to support you when it comes to the integration of writing in all disciplines.  We are happy to assist in any or all of the following:

*       Faculty workshops
*       Becoming WR-certified
*       Assignment design
*       Teaching/grading strategies

Please visit our website for more information, including who we are and how to reach us.  There’s a LibGuide, too, full of great resources for all disciplines.

Have a wonderful semester!

Amy Burtner
Writing Across the Curriculum