MCC Daily Tribune
MCC Spring Break: No Classes April 5-12; Online Support Services Continue
MCC appreciates your hard work and determination to continue delivering educational and training services to students and other learners during the COVID-19 pandemic. In case you were wondering, Spring Break is next week. MCC staff will continue to respond to student and employee questions and requests during the break.
Distance learning will continue after the break and until further notice. Any questions should be directed to professors or MCC's response center at
If you plan to travel during break, especially to known pandemic "hotspots" such as New York City, you will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days. Please convey this important information to your students. (Centers for Disease Control Travel Advisory)
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the poem below.
'Twas the Week before Spring Break
'Twas the week before Spring Break and all through the College,
While the halls were quiet, students honed their skills and knowledge.
Distance learning was key in keeping them safe;
Tribunes, professors in digital space.
As Spring Break approaches on Monday, the sixth,
We hope you catch up on whatever you've missed.
The College and students have really endured.
Give yourself time to recharge; to yourself, please be good.
Support will be here, reach out anytime.
MCC staff can help you, they'll all be online.
Stay safe, stay home, don't take health for granted;
Your seeds of success have already been planted.
Until further notice, distance learning continues.
Get updates on the website and in emails we send you.
We pledge to continue doing our best,
Because we know our students expect nothing less.
Katherine Douglas
Office of the President