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MCC Daily Tribune

Congratulations Meghan Glaser, MCC's Dr. Wesley T. Hanson Award for Teaching Excellence Winner

Meghan Glaser, ESOL/TRS, is this year’s winner and recipient of MCC’s Dr. Wesley T. Hanson Award, the highest teaching award granted by MCC. It’s purpose is to honor the truly extraordinary teaching professional who demonstrates superb classroom performances, consistent concern for student intellectual growth, and active engagement in student learning.

Meghan is a dedicated educator, a valuable department member, and an organized and impactful committee chair and member. Meghan is currently serving as chair of the RDE (Reading and Developmental English) Committee, and has provided steady, thoughtful leadership through challenges and change. Megan’s impact is immeasurable, working alongside her colleagues to expand TRS099, develop newly offered TRS090/091, adjunct mentorship, co-development of COS181, TCC presentations, HIPs and ALP committees, and Faculty Senate.

All the while, she has maintained a rich and vibrant classroom. Teaching a full load is a full-time job in itself, yet Meghan has managed to do that and accomplish everything above. In her classrooms, every student feels a sense of belonging and receives organized and engaging lesson packets delivered through a social constructivist approach. Yet, she somehow finds the time to follow up with individual students and ensure their needs are met. If you ever walked by her office, you’d invariably see her working with a student.  Meghan is a trauma-informed educator, an advocate for single mothers, and an excellent educator dedicated to seeing her students succeed. No one cheers louder at graduation than Meghan Glaser.  

It is my upmost pleasure to congratulate Meghan with this award, and we look forward to many more years of service!

Dana Voldan-Curry
Faculty Senate Professional Development Committee