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MCC Daily Tribune

TCC: Collaborative Learning (CL) Course Designation (Today)

Do you use active and collaborative learning in the courses you teach? If so, please consider having your course designated as a Collaborative Learning (CL) course.

Collaborative learning is a powerful teaching method that fosters student engagement, critical thinking, and teamwork. By designating your course as such, you can harness the benefits of peer-to-peer learning and contribute to a dynamic educational environment.

The CL-designation identifies courses that incorporate CL activities by providing an active learning environment that emphasizes cooperative learning in the classroom. The purpose of a CL-designation is to promote a culture in which students of varied backgrounds are encouraged to work together to solve problems and/or create products relevant to the discipline being studied.

If you are interested in learning about the CL-designation application process, please join the TCC and CL committee for an informational workshop on Wednesday, April 17, from 12:00 to 12:50 PM or join online via Zoom.

Melis Kural
Teaching & Creativity Center