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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Catholic Campus Ministry Celebrates Weekly Mass

Father Michael Upson, Catholic Campus Ministry, will celebrate weekly Mass on Tuesdays at 12:15pm in Room 3-136 beginning this Tuesday, October 20th. Mid afternoon is a good time to take a break, be still, pray and refocus for the rest of the day.  We reflect on the scriptures for the day and partake of the Eucharist along with music and song. Students, faculty and staff members who are lectors in your parishes are welcome to read during Mass. We would just ask you to come early to prepare. Anyone in need of some time with the Lord is welcome to join us.

Father Mike is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 3-138R usually from 10:00am until 4:00pm or by appointment. He can be reached at #292-3662. If you have any ideas, thoughts, suggestions for Campus Ministry this year please contact Father at your convenience. If you have any questions or just need to talk you can stop by, call or e-mail Father Mike at <>.

Father Michael Upson
Catholic Campus Ministry