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Faculty Senate October Minutes

PRESENT:  I. Benz, C. Boettrich, F. Burger, B. Connell, R. DeFelice, K. Doyle, K. Eirich, S. ElRayess, M. Ewanechko, S. Fess, S. Forsyth, M. Fugate, C.T. Gilbert, E. Grissing, R. Hamell, A. Hughes, P. Keyes, A. Leopard, M. Marino, J. McKenna, S. Murphy, J. Nelson, S. Ruckert, D. Shaw, D. Smith, E. Stewart, J. Thompson, M. Timmons, T. Tugel (President), P. Wakem, H. Wheeler (Secretary), W. Willard, H. Wynn-Preische, W. Yanklowski

ABSENT: T. Archie, P. Bishop, S. Cable (Vice-President), J. Ekis, K. Huggins, N. Karolinski, R. Kennedy, D. Leach, D. Mueller, M. Pastorella, P. Peterson, M. Rizzo, V. Toth,

GUESTS: V. Avalone, J. Alas, S. Blacklaw, D. Cecero, K. Collins, B. Conolly, C. Cooper, T. Felicetti, J. Hinkelman, K. Marhatta, F. Rinehart,  J. Rao

Student Representative: T. Pinkins

1. Meeting called to order:  3: 35 p.m.


2. Announcements: T. Tugel

a. Jeff Thompson was approved by the full Senate as chair of the Professional Development Committee.

b. Craig Rand has requested that the Massage Therapy program be considered for relocation to Renaissance Square. Vice President Glocker requested he submit a proposal including the cost of moving, square foot requirements, benefits of moving, and potential for growth.

 c. The Executive Committee has presented a charge to the ad hoc committee examining practices related to the ordering of textbooks and their subsequent buyback. The committee is meeting next week to elect a chair and plan a schedule. The EC is asking for a report in February, so any recommendations can be implemented in the spring. The following people are on the committee: Karen Wagner (Math), Dale Doty (Psychology), Patricia Sarantis (Nursing), Dominick DeMichele (Health Professions), Tony Wagahoff (Campus Center), Mary DiSano (Chemistry and Geosciences), and Lorraine D’Ortona (Office & Computer Programs).

 d. Terri will inform volunteers for the committee regarding the timing of authorizing searches for teaching lines and its impact on the search process that the Senate is going to hold off on forming the committee until after the Executive Committee meets with the Faculty Association to discuss issues of potential overlap.

e. Susan Forsyth announced that the Dental Studies Department was visited by its accrediting body and was given only one recommendation for improvement. Additionally, they received a commendation regarding the innovativeness and resourcefulness of their faculty members. 

3.   Student Announcements:

a.   T. Pinkins (Brighton SGA) thanked the Faculty Senate for its support of the Brian Green event which sold out the theater and Monroe A and B

b. The Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) breast cancer walk raised 900 dollars

c.  The Student Government Association is working on their three year strategic plan

d.   Upcoming events: SGA blood drive and PTK induction

4.   Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the September 22, 2005 meeting were approved.

5.  Standing Committee Reports

APC -- E.Grissing

The calendar for the 2008-2009 academic year was presented following models from recent years. An electronic version will be sent to Senators to share with their constituents.  The calendar will be an action item at the November Senate meeting.

The committee has determined that they need more information regarding the withdrawal policy. They will work on a questionnaire to be sent to department chairs and Senators for feedback.

Ed will be meeting with J. Glocker,  Kim Collins, and John  Witherspoon (who has full release time as the faculty representative on the Banner Implementation Committee)  regarding the impact of Banner on academic policies.

NEG - S. Murphy

NEG is working on filling the Senate vacancy in the Counseling/Advising/EOP/Damon Student Services.      They have received two nominations and will be sending out ballots next week.

 Curriculum – A. Leopard

The Curriculum Committee has posted the following:

One Course Revision:

CR48S    ATP 101 Integrated Automotive Systems

One New Course:

NC7F     MTH 172 Technical Discrete Mathematics

The Curriculum Committee has given final approval to the following:  

Two Program Revisions (Senate vote today)

PR1F     Health Studies AS degree

PR2F      Hospitality Management-Physical Fitness Technology Advisement Sequence

Two Course Revisions:      

CR1F     CIS 110 Building and Maintaining the PC

CR2F     CPT 115 Introduction to Networks

And 5 new courses:

NC1F     GER 221 Germanic Culture on Location

NC2F     CHI 221Chinese Culture on Location 

NC25S   EMG 109 Emergency Response to Terrorism

NC3F     HSA 280 Airport Screener Supervision (Prefix changed from HSM)

NC5F     ECE 200 Developing Early Literacy

Annette asked the Senators to remind their constituents that all program revisions should be submitted by the end of February in order to make the college catalog. 


SCAA --  T. Gilbert

Diana Phillips’ appointment as Dean of Technical Education effective 11/14 has been formally approved by the college.

Terri thanked the SCAA committee for their work over the summer.

Planning – B. Connell

The Planning committee met last week with Bob Cunningham regarding Renaissance Square and is meeting soon with the classroom committee.  

Professional Development – J. Thompson

The Professional Development Committee has put out a call for two awards: NISOD, due in November       and the Chancellor’s Award, due in December. The committee is also currently investigating about a dozen       ideas for a January professional development workshop.

6.   Old Business

Suzanne  ElRayess reported on behalf of the ad hoc committee formed last year to integrate new faculty and staff into the college community that about 16 people came to the first birthday event at Damon. The second event will be held at Brighton next week. Susan thanked Dick Degus for his support.

Although letters announcing the hearings for the Dean of Technical education were sent to all faculty members in the Technical Education Division, concerns were expressed that announcements were not made to the College community.  

7.  Curriculum Action Items

The following curriculum proposals were approved unanimously:

PR1 Health Studies AS      

PR2F Hospitality Management-Physical Fitness Technology Advisement Sequence


Meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Terri Tugel                             Holly Wheeler 

President                                Secretary


Minutes approved at the November 17, 2005 Faculty Senate meeting.

Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Office