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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Auditing Ourselves

Probably none of you have had this experience, but I’m sure you can relate to it:

You go to a lot of work to prepare a special class lecture based on the reading homework. You come to class prepared for a lively and interesting discussion and…no one has done the reading. Everyone just sits and stares at you or pretends they dropped their pencil or that they have to blow their nose. (The nose blowing shtick was a trade mark of my college career. Since I went to college in the North Country, constant nose blowing was very believable.)

The horrible heart dropping feeling that accompanies this lack of class enthusiasm is exactly how I feel when I send out the grade confirmation reports and NO ONE LOOKS AT THEM.

I’m telling you, there ARE mistakes on them. I personally found 139 errors caused by incomplete erasures, two grades bubbled in for the same student, or a grade written in but nothing bubbled. And I do not look at every grade roster line by line. These are just the mistakes I happened to notice when I do my daily audit to make sure every roster we submitted made it through the scanner. What if there are still 139 grading mistakes? I made my quota so now it is time for you to make yours!

You will be receiving your Grade Confirmation Report this week. Please carefully check the list for each of your courses. If you find a grade error, you will need to fill out an Academic Change Form (aka Grade Change Form). This must be signed by your department chair and returned to R&R. Once we receive the grade correction, we will update the student’s record and send them a new grade report.

If you have recently made a grade change and it is not reflected here, just make a note of it and return the list to us. We will doublecheck to be sure we have the grade change form. We are fairly up to date with grade changes so unless you turned the form in late on 1/13, it should be reflected on the list.

This is the last chance to look over grading for the fall semester before we move on to spring. Please make sure all your grades are recorded correctly!

Deborah Benjamin
Registration and Records