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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Attendance: The Good, The Bad and The Grey Matter

After receiving calls from faculty asking when they can start inputting attendance information I decided to send a general note.  I plan to send out the memos to your departments on Feb, 8th or 9th for FULL semester courses only because their census date is February 12th.  I try not to send out the attendance requests too far ahead of the census date for a reason.  It is a no brainer who the students are who never attended ( code them with a 0 in the attend hours column)  but determining who the students are who stopped coming before the census date (coded with a last date of attendance BEFORE the census date)listed on your course sheets requires the usage of more grey matter. Wlll they show up again?  Are they gone forever?  It is a hard call and should not be decided  until the census date.  That is why I send them out as close to the census date as possible.  If you have any questions call me at ext, 2291 or my assistant , Lori DeWaters at ext 2247.  Thanks. Ginger

Ginger Toth
Records and Registration