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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Canandaigua Treaty of 1794 Presentation by Peter Jemison

Come and join the Native American Cultural Society Club

For a presentation about the Canandaigua Treaty of 1794 given by Peter Jemison A Heron clan Seneca from Cattaraugus and manager of the Ganondagan Historic site at Victor N.Y. within Seneca territory.

Canandaigua Treaty of 1794 was negotiated by the Six Nations that make up the Iroquois Confederacy: the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk and Tuscarora.

When:   Thursday,  November 1, 2007

Where:   Forum (3-130), Flynn Campus Center

Time:        5:00PM

Char Guess Bardques
Native American Cultural Society Advisor