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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

News from the MCC Board of Trustees Meeting

The MCC Board of Trustees held its meeting in the R. Thomas Flynn Campus Center, Warshof Conference Center on the Brighton Campus on Monday, April 4 and took the following actions:

1.            Accepted the Interim Financial Reports as of February 29, 2016.

2.            Authorized the purchase of items over $20,000 as listed for the month of February 2016.

3.            Authorized Ronald Ricotta, Chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee, and John Bartolotta, Chair of the Board of Trustees, to approve budget transfers on behalf of the Board of Trustees through the end of the budget year August 31, 2016.

4.            Authorized Monroe Community College to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Monroe Community College Association for a no-cost commercial lease agreement with the Eastman Kodak Company for approximately 11,701 usable square feet of space at the Eastman Business Park located at 200 West Ridge Road, in the City of Rochester, for Economic Development and Innovative Workforce Services. The space will be used for the delivery of educational classes and laboratory instruction in support of MCC's Mechatronics and Skilled Trade Apprenticeship programs for the benefit of the College and in furtherance of its mission. The term of the lease expires August 31, 2017.

5.            Approved the appointment of Department Chairs for the Academic Year 2016-17, each to receive an annual stipend in accordance with provisions of the current agreement with the Faculty Association.

6.            Approved a leave of absence in accordance with Article 18, Other Leaves of Absence, of the contractual agreement between Monroe Community College and the Faculty Association for the period of one year (September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017) for Paul D’Alessandris, Engineering Science and Physics.

7.            Adjusted 2016/2017 base annual salaries in accordance with Article 47 of the current contractual agreement with the Faculty Association for four members, effective September 1, 2016.

8.            Approved the appointment of Eileen Wirley, Chief Information Officer and Associate Vice President, Technology Services, effective April 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017 at a twelve month annual salary of $105,000.

9.            Approved the following certificate, subject to the approval by the State University of New York: Mechatronics.

10.        Adopted the amended Faculty Senate Bylaws, Article X, Section 5, effective upon approval of the Board of Trustees.

11.        Honored the memory of Kenneth G. Goode for his leadership of the Board, his outstanding service to MCC, and his dedication to the thousands of students who enrolled during his tenure; and furthermore declared that he may be hereafter recognized as an Honorary Trustee of Monroe Community College, effective this, the 4th day of April, 2016.

12.        Conducted an Executive Session pursuant to Public Officers Law §105, subsection (f):  the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation.

Information Items presented to the Board:

1.      Copyright and Faculty Ownership of Intellectual Property Policy (Attached).

The Board heard presentations from the 2016 Student Delegates on the MCC Model UN Program; DCC Executive Dean Dr. Joel Frater on the new Downtown Campus; President Anne M. Kress on the Strategic Plan, Direction Two; and chair of the MCC Foundation Board of Directors Jeremy Wolk on Foundation activities.

Cynthia Cooper Mapes
Marketing and Community Relations

icon Copyright and Faculty Ownership of Intellectual Property Policy.pdf