Case of the Month 05/00

Image of ekg strip

Chief Complaint:

The patient is an 39yo male found in a community college office where he is working. He is a computer geek. He is complaining of palpatations.

His VS are: P-68 and irreg., BP- 120/82, Resp-20 and normal Skin color- pink, Pulse Saturation 98% on room air.

The past history is devoid of any significant findings. He did not have breakfast or lunch yet and he feels a little tremulous.

Physical Exam:

HEENT: EYES: = and reactive to light, Ears: unremarkable Nose: unremarkable Throat: no JVD

Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally

ABD: Soft, nontender

EXTREM: = pulses, mae well, no edema

Based on the available data, choose the correct items: (there are 2 correct answers)

Learning Objective