Student Quotes

What is the single most important thing your service-learning experience did for you?

  • I feel it can give students a better understanding on giving back to the community and helping others.
  • It boosted my confidence.
  • As an Education student it gave me a much greater appreciation for what a teacher has to go through with lesson preparation and classroom management.
  • It helped me realize that I am important and have something to offer.

Will you be taking a service learning course again? 

  • Yes, not only is it nice to contribute to the community, but service-learning provides a more memorable and valuable learning experience with real life examples

What were the main benefits of doing this service-learning program?

  • Poverty and inadequate education were impacted by this experience because we were able to provide a service to students that their own schools were unable to provide.
  • One important problem the community is facing is "at risk" homes that was helped by my service-learning. This experience made an impact on this problem by offering my time and knowledge to those in need and giving them opportunities to succeed in life.
  • Children are not getting the help needed in the classroom. Because I offered to give extra help to students, they now have the help they need to get ahead or keep up with the others.

Other general comments

  • It is so important to be out in the real world. Theories are just that, theories. Applying them to real life is essential to having a deep understanding of a concept.
  • It was a great experience and a great thing to see.
  • It helps you learn about being a leader.
  • I had a great time and I'm glad I had the opportunity to participate in a service-learning course.
  • I think more service learning should be given in other classes