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Student Tribune

Women Entrepreneur Week: LinkedIn How to Make it Rock! w/Michelle Arbore, Social Media Coach (Monday)

Faculty, Staff, Students, please join us Monday, October 15, 12-1pm: Brighton Campus, Empire Room

Workshop: LinkedIn How to Make it Rock! w/Michelle Arbore, Social Media Coach and Speakter

LinkedIn How to Make it Rock!

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with more than 562 million members

worldwide. It's a way to build credibility and demonstrate your expertise. If you have an

incomplete profile, that shows a lack of credibility and professionalism. With first impressions

going a long way, it's important to get yours right the first time.

During this presentation people will learn....

  • The POWER behind LinkedIn
  • What's in it for them
  • The "TOP SECRET" 4 things their profile must have
  • Who they should connect with
  • Why they need a LinkedIn Company Page
  • Why they should be Writing Articles
  • About joining LinkedIn Groups

MCC is joining over 150 colleges and universities in 29 countries and 45 states participating in Women Entrepreneurship Week (WEW), a global movement to celebrate and inspire female founders. To review general information regarding this event, please visit m and https://bized

McKinsey-Mabry, Kimberly
Business & Community Engagement