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Student Tribune

Mathematics Department Offers the October Puzzler of the Month

The Puzzler of the Month Contest is open to all MCC students, faculty and staff.

The Puzzler of the Month along with official rules and more details can be found at the Puzzler of the Month Web site:

To submit a solution:

Neatly write up your solution, clearly identifying the answer and clearly showing all work when applicable.

Along with the solution, include your name and MCC email address.

On the Brighton Campus, solutions may be submitted in the Puzzler of the Month drop box in the Mathematics Learning Center (11-204). Solutions at the Downtown Campus can be submitted to Michael Eames (Mathematics), office 574-M. You may also submit solutions by emailing Steve Kilner at (please indicate "puzzler solution" as the subject). Faculty and staff may use inter-departmental mail as well.

Solutions for the October Puzzler of the Month must be submitted by Wednesday, October 31st.

Martello, Kimberley