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Tips for Final Exams

Tips for Preparing for Finals

Final exam time can be very stressful. Here are a few tips to help you get prepared and to manage your stress:

  1. Get Organized.
    • Sit down and map out the next week.
    • Build in enough time to study, exercise, eat and get plenty of rest.
    • Have a plan for each of your finals...what do you need to study and when and where will you do it?
    • Make sure you know the date, time and room location of your final exam. Use this link to find your final exam information:
  2. Study! Seems obvious right? One of the best remedies for test anxiety is preparation. So put the time in to review all of your materials and seek out extra help.
  3. Don't be afraid to ask for help!
    • Stop by your professor's office hours to review material you are struggling with.
    • Attend review sessions if offered.
    • Form study groups with classmates.
    • Use campus resources such as the Library, Writing Center. Math Learning Center, etc.
    • The following link includes learning resources available on campus: htt p://
  4. Get plenty of rest...especially the night before the exam.
    • Put your study time in days ahead of your exam.
    • Do a light review the night before the exam.
    • "Cramming" often leads to increased anxiety.
  5. Keep balanced.
    • Eat healthy meals/snacks throughout the day.
    • Drink plenty of water.
    • Break your study time into manageable blocks of time.
    • Take a walk or find time for yourself to relax.
    • Sometimes when we are stressed, we forget the basics of taking care of ourselves. Neglecting these basics can sometimes lead us to feel more anxious.
  6. Manage Test Anxiety.
    • Try to visualize yourself taking your exams and feeling relaxed and confident.
    • Have a plan for the taking each test.
    • Avoid anxious classmates/conversations before the exam.
    • Use positive self-talk. Remind yourself "I have prepared myself well and I will do the best I can."
    • Remember to take some deep breathes when you sit down to take your exam and smile. A smile can help you relax and see this as an opportunity to express all that you have learned this semester!

Need a relaxation break? We will be offering a special guided relaxation meditation session in the Library on Friday, May 19th at 12:00 pm in room 423. Get yourself relaxed and rejuvenated for your exams!

"Prepare Yourself, Reward Yourself, Repeat!" -Anonymous

Burke, Donna
Services for Students with Disabilities