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MCC Daily Tribune

Voting for Faculty Senate Positions

Voting for Faculty Senate Offciers is underway, the survey was sent our Wednesday May 8 and will remain open until the close of business on Wednesday May 15.  Candidate Statements for April Daniels (Candidate for VP, Teaching Faculty)  and Sarah Pantaleo (VP, Professional Staff) were distributed to Senators, who were asked to distribute them to their constituents.  They can also be found on the Faculty Senate Brightspace Page. 

Matthew Lawson is running for MCC Association General Representative. 

All Faculty Senate Constituents shoudl vote for all three positions.  Since the candidates are running unopposed, the balloting is a Approve/Disapprove ballot.  Candidates must receive Approve votes on a mojority of the votes cast in order to be elected.     

Jason Mahar
Faculty Senate, NEG