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MCC Daily Tribune

Open Forum for Provost and Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, Today

It is my pleasure to introduce one of the four finalists in the search for the position of Provost and Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs.  Dr. Jennifer Mezquita will be featured at an open forum today from 12:00-1:00 p.m. The open forum will be recorded for those unable to attend. Please see the attached candidate’s resume and survey link below.

Please join the Zoom webinar:
Passcode: 910782
Webinar ID: 889 6582 3178

Following the open forum, you are invited to share your feedback about Dr. Mezquita via the online survey. The survey is anonymous and closes on May 21st at noon.

Attached Files:
Jennifer Mezquita CV & Resume.pdf

Tammy Kieper
Human Resources