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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Middle States: Did You Know ...?

MCC is in the process of achieving reaccreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Led by Community College of Allegheny County President Dr. Quintin Bullock (formerly DCC executive dean), evaluation team members will visit MCC March 13-16 to follow up on MCC’s self-study report and assess MCC’s compliance with accreditation standards. When the Middle States team visits, they will engage in conversations (scheduled or through chance encounters) with any number of individuals across campus about MCC. Our weekly “Did You Know” column aims to help you better understand MCC’s reaccreditation process and to become more aware of the contents of the self-study report. To read MCC’s self-study report, go to ""

Did you know … the College’s mission has been changed twice since 2006?

The College’s mission and strategic goals are reviewed every five years to correspond with reaccreditation activities. This self-study process is helping to set the stage for the next MCC Strategic Plan, slated to be in place in spring 2017.  MCC is using the findings of the self-study report as a way to advance its new mission and realize its future strategic goals.

-- Jodi Oriel and Steve Kilner (Standard 1:  Mission and Goals)

Did you know ... MCC has engaged in strategic planning best practices for nearly three decades?

MCC’s long history of strategic planning is most evident in the development, implementation, and assessment of five mission statements and Strategic Plans over the course of the past 25 years. MCC's planning processes reflect a record of measurement and review of results that help when updating annual plans and making informed decisions.  Moreover, there exists a strong collaboration between planning, budgeting and Institutional Research, which in turn supports the accomplishments of the College’s Mission and Strategic Plan. This iterative cycle fosters a climate of best practices whereby planning and improvement processes provide for broad input and incorporate the use of assessment results. For example, a recent assessment of the Budget Resource Committee (BRC) included suggested changes to strengthen the committee’s work.  Now live in its new form, the BRC has a sharper focus and tighter timelines. Membership is also smaller (13 participants down from 40) to enable targeted faculty participation and increased efficiency and accountability.  The use of assessment results to improve the BRC’s processes demonstrates MCC’s legacy of commitment to excellence and institutional renewal.

-- Darrell Jachim-Moore and Ted Ciambor (Standard 2: Planning, Resource Allocation, and Institutional Renewal)

Bill Dunning and Holly Preische
Middle States Self-Study