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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Dizzy bat, Anyone?

Okay, we won’t be playing dizzy bat at All College Days -- someone could get hurt -- but we have planned some other fun, baseball stadium games.

Is your competitive streak itching to play?
Are you up for a few laughs?
Do you want the chance to win a prize?

We’re keeping the full details to ourselves, but if you’ve been to a minor league baseball game, you know the games they play between innings. Think along those lines and you’ll have an idea of what’s coming on All College Days.

If you’d like the chance to be part of the games (sense of humor required), drop us a line at
<>. All volunteers’ names will go in a hat and be drawn at random that morning for each game.

We look forward to seeing you at All College Days, Thursday, August 30, 9 a.m. in the Theatre.

P.S. Wear comfortable shoes.

Cynthia Cooper
for the All College Days Planning Committee