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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

NISOD Awards

This year’s NISOD awards will be open to teaching faculty and NEW this year, full-time non-teaching professionals with fewer than 10 years of service at MCC.

Each year the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) at the University of Texas at Austin honors individuals who have made significant contributions to their colleges.  Community colleges across the country nominate those people who have, in some way, gone beyond their job responsibilities to make their campuses better places to learn and to work. Some examples of "above and beyond" could include new innovative teaching methods or programs that encourage new learning in MCC students, perhaps a high level of involvement with the MCC community, or taking on additional departmental responsibilities, etc. These are just examples and do not reflect the only criteria upon which nominees will be evaluated. The deadline for submitting packets is Wednesday, Nov. 23rd by 3 P.M. to Jeff Thompson, 11-106.

Nomination packets should include per the web site,

Name, rank/title of the individual being nominated.

Annual Faculty Activity Reports for the three most recent years of service to the College.

A minimum of two letters of support.  These support letters can be from department chairs, deans, colleagues, and/or students.

Nominators must submit 8 copies of the nomination packet.

Materials are due by Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 3:00

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