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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Get your Flu Shot at MCC Health Services

Please inform students that Flu Vaccines are available at Health Services Monday – Friday 9am- 4pm.

Flu season is here. Some Flu seasons are worse than others.  We should all be prepared for and protected against the Flu. The single most effective way to protect yourself and others from the Flu is to get a Flu vaccine.   Student Health Services is now offering Flu vaccines as noted above.

In addition to the Flu Vaccine, other measures to protect against the Flu virus include:

·         Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer.

·         Cover your mouth when coughing, sneezing.

·         Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and get plenty of rest to keep your immune system strong to fight off Flu germs.

·         Avoid others that are sick with flu like symptoms.                                                                                                                                      

If you get flu like symptoms (sudden onset, fever 100F or higher, body aches, headache, cough, sore throat).  

·         Notify your professors by email that you are missing classes and why.

·         If you have Asthma or other medical conditions you may need to notify your primary care physician for instructions.

·         Isolate yourself & avoid public places - classes, stores, cafeterias to prevent giving it to others.

·         Stay home until at least 24 hours after you are free of fever without the use of fever reducing medicine.

·         Use disposable tissues

·         Increase fluids such as tea, water, juice, chicken soup, Gatorade, ginger ale, popsicles.

·         Get plenty of Rest.

·         Gargle with warm salt water to soothe sore throat.

·         Take throat lozenges, cough drops as needed for sore throat and cough.

·         Have a thermometer to check your temperature.

·         Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and or Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) for fever, and aches.  Follow dosing guidelines carefully to avoid excess amounts.  Do not take Aspirin.

·         Seek medical attention promptly if you experience these warning signs:    

v  Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

v  Pain or pressure in chest or abdomen

v  Sudden dizziness

v  Confusion

v  Severe or persistent vomiting

v  Flu-like symptoms improve, but then return with fever and worse cough

The best protection against the Flu is to get the Flu Shot.  Stop by Health Services until supplies run out to get your protection!

Sue George, RN
Health Services