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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

New MTH Flexible Pace Course Registration Process

Registration for flexible pace MTH 098, MTH 099 and MTH 104 courses will be different this spring for students in face-to-face sections. Online sections will work as they have in the past. The new plan will make a wider variety of times available for all students who wish to take flexible pace mathematics (MTH) courses. This will allow students who finish one MTH course to move into the next course in the sequence without changing times or instructors. The new plan will require MTH 098 and MTH 104 students who want flexible pace sections to sign up for both the flexible pace course section and any one hour flexible pace conference section (MTH – FCN). MTH 099 students must also sign up for MTH 104. Attached is a document explaining how students must register for these courses.

Annette Leopard

icon Sp 17 Flex Pace MTH Registration Process.pdf