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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Positive Outcomes for Veterans Early Alert Program

Data compiled from our 2014 pilot Veterans Early Alert Retention and Completion Project provides compelling positive results in our efforts to assist veterans and military students achieve academic success and remain eligible for their educational benefits.

On February 9th an email will be sent to all faculty who have a veteran enrolled in their class directing them to a brief online survey regarding student progress to date.  The information received will be used to connect our veteran students with specific support services including personal and financial counseling, learning centers and accommodations for a documented disability.

As many faculty indicated student need for assistance in math and writing based courses, the Go VETS: Veteran Educational Tutoring Services was implemented fall 2014 in collaboration with Student Support Services.  Military students are provided with free one-to-one tutorial help within the Veteran Services Office and weekly group study skills and test-taking strategy workshops are being offered on Fridays.

Faculty assistance is an integral part of retaining our veteran and military students and helping to ensure they meet their completion goals.  The Counseling Center and Veteran Services department appreciates your support and thanks you in advance for your willingness to participate in this initiative.

Taine Vinci
Counseling Center and Veteran Services