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MCC Daily Tribune Archive


Please help spread the word! The deadline for applying for insurance through the Affordable Care Act is 3/31/14. There are several ways to enroll.

1. Call the NYS helpline at 1-855-355-5777.
2.  Go online to:
3.  Meet with a certified application counselor from United Health Care on campus or near your home before the deadline. They can explain your options and even sign you up. You are free to choose any of the plans offered- you are not limited to United Health Care and  there is no charge to meet with them. They will be on all 3 campuses through 3/28/14 at the following times/locations:

*  Brighton Campus: Sheila Forsett , Brick Lounge on Wednesdays 12:30 pm-3 pm and Thursdays 9:30 am-12:30 pm. Call her at 585-754-7011 or email her at <> to set up a different time to meet.

*  Applied Technologies Campus: Duncan McElroye ,Room 156 off the main foyer, Tuesdays from 10 am-2 pm and Fridays from 9 am -1 pm. Call him at 585-402-1450 or email him at <> if those times are not convenient.

* Damon City Campus: Christine Barbas, Pathways Resource Center, 4th floor, on Tuesday March 18th from 11 am-1 pm and same time Wednesday March 26th. For other meeting times, call/text her at 585-704-3270 or email her at <>.


Jeanne Flanagan, RN BSN
Health Services

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