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MCC Daily Tribune

Teacher Appreciation Week at Richard M Guon Child Care Center

A Tribute to our Teachers

Next week the Guon Child Care Center will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week!  The child care center has a total of 34 combined teachers, assistant teachers and student workers, along with the management team.  The center is lucky to have a good mixture of tenured teachers, newly hired teachers and a solid population of student workers that make the center a special place for children to learn and grow.  We have the most dedicated, heartfelt and passionate teachers working with our children.  Thank you for all that you do for children each day!

There is no job more important than yours,
No job anywhere else in the land.
You are the keepers of the future;
You hold the smallest of hands.

Into your care you are trusted
To nurture and care for the young,
And for all of your everyday heroics,
Your talents and skills go unsung.

You wipe tears from the eyes of the injured,
You rock babies brand new in your arms,
You encourage the shy and unsure child,
You make sure they are safe from all harm.

You foster the bonds of friendships,
Letting no child go away mad.
You respect and honor their emotions,
You give hugs to each child when they’re sad.

It is true that you don’t make much money
And you don’t get a whole lot of praise,
But when one small child says “I love you”,
You’re reminded of how this job pays.

Angela Colt
Child Care Center