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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

January Crime Prevention Tip

MCC Public Safety Crime Prevention Tip of the Month: January

With the beginning of another new semester, the MCC Public Safety Department would like to share some safety and security tips regarding traveling around the campuses, the residence halls, and how to contact the Public Safety Department for assistance.

How to contact Public Safety

•      Know the emergency telephone number for Public Safety. On the MCC Brighton Campus call 292-2911 or Extension x2911 from any internal campus telephone. On the MCC Damon City Campus call 262-1414 or x1414 from any internal campus telephone. From the residence halls call 292-3911.

•      Program these emergency phones numbers into your personal cell phone.

•      Learn where the campus emergency telephones (Blue Light Telephones) are located on your campus and learn how to use them. You can obtain a campus map, showing the location of blue light telephones, from the Public Safety office, Building 7 Room 341 or from the Information Desk located on the 2nd floor of the Spina Administration Building.

•      Learn where other emergency telephones are located throughout college such as the hallways, chemistry labs, and woodworking areas.

•      Ensure that you are subscribed to the SUNY NY Alert mass notification system. Further information regarding the SUNY NY Alert Emergency Notification System can be obtained from the MCC Website by following this link:

Walking around campus

•      Familiarize yourself with the layout of your campus and the surrounding area.

•      Plan the safest route to your destination by choosing well-lit, busy walkways, hallways and streets.

•      Share your class schedule with your family and trusted friends and provide them your telephone numbers.

•      At night, stick to well-lighted areas whenever possible and avoid alleyways or “short cuts” through isolated areas.

•      Travel in groups and avoid going out alone at night.

•      Use the campus escort service at the Brighton and Damon City Campus.

•      If you are being followed, change direction and go to the nearest business or home; knock on the door, and request that someone call the Police. Note the description of the person following you.

•      Walk near the curb and avoid shrubbery or other places of potential


•      Tell a friend or roommate where you are going and what time you expect to return.

•      Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.

•      Carry your purse close to your body and keep a firm grip on it; carry your wallet in an inside coat pocket or your front pant pocket.

•      Keep your keys separate from your purse or backpack.

•      Don’t overload yourself with bags or packages and avoid wearing shoes that restrict your movements. As an added safety precaution, wear appropriate footwear in the winter months to avoid potential slip and falls.

•      Walk with a confident stride; keep your head up and look around.

•      If a motorist stops and asks for directions, keep your distance from the car.

In the residence halls

•      Always lock your door; even when you’re sleeping or just going down the hall.

•      Don’t allow strangers to enter your room. Do not open your door unless you can identify the person seeking entry.

•      Don’t let unknown individuals “tailgate” in behind you. Ask who they are visiting and offer to call Public Safety.

•      Don’t prop any exterior doors to allow unescorted visitors into the residence hall (pizza delivery, friends, etc.).

•      Report lost or stolen residence hall keys immediately to your residence hall staff.

•      Report any malfunctioning locks, doors or windows to your residence life staff.

•      Don’t leave your keys lying around in your room.

•      Don’t leave messages on your door about when you will be returning to your room.

•      Tell a roommate or friend if you are planning to be away overnight or for a few days.

•      Report any suspicious persons or activities (including solicitors) in or near your residence hall to your residence hall staff or Public Safety.

•      Secure your valuables and engrave expensive items with identifying information.

•      Always lock your doors and windows at night, especially if you reside on the first or second floors.

•      Do not leave your identification, keys, wallets, checkbooks, or other valuables in open view.

•      Get to know your RA, residence life staff and neighbors.

•      Participate in residence hall and Public Safety programming efforts.

•      Watch out for each other.

Lee Struble
Public Safety