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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Faculty Senate November Minutes


November 18, 2004

PRESENT: I. Benz, P. Bishop, C. Boettrich, F. Burger, S. Cable, B. Connell, L. Chrzan-Williams (Vice-President), D. Cox (President), K. Doyle, S. Fess, S. Forsyth, T. Gilbert, E. Grissing, R. Hammell, A. Hughes, K. Humphrey, N. Karolinski, D. Leach, A. Leopard, M. Marino, J. McKenna, D. Mueller, N. Murage, J. Nelson, P. Peterson, M. Rizzo, S. Ruckert, D. Shaw, J. Smith, J. Thompson, M. Timmons, T. Tugel (Secretary), P. Wakem, W. Willard, H. Wynn-Preische
ABSENT: T. Archie, B. Asam, S. Callan, T. Digiacomo, J. Ekis, S. El Rayess, P. Keyes, J. McCauley, S. Murphy, M. Pastorella, E Stewart, V. Toth, H. Wheeler,

GUESTS: V. Avalone, S. Blacklaw, B. Connolly, Maureen Erickson, Yuthika Kim, E. Martin,
J. Smith.

1.      Meeting called to order: 3:39 p.m.

2.    Guest Speakers
Jay Nelson – Civility Committee Update 
The committee has begun completion of its charge for developing a civility statement addressing current issues on campus.  J. Nelson presented a draft of the committee’s work to date. The draft references core values, encourages tolerance of divergent opinions and a commitment to the free exchange of ideas within the College. Members of the Senate requested the committee consider the inclusion of sexual orientation in its references of diversity; avoid a “top-down” statement that may be viewed primarily directed to students since civility is an issue applicable to administration, faculty, staff and students; and follow up with ways to disseminate and educate the college community on civility issues.  Additional comments can be sent to J. Nelson.  December 15 is the deadline for the committee’s work.
Ed Martin – Classroom Committee Update 
The committee’s newsletter will be out within the next few weeks and will include tips for getting a classroom to suit your needs.  E. Martin thanked all who have helped in the installation of over 100 phones in classrooms. The committee will be conducting surveys on the Brighton campus regarding “smart” consoles and the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning in the modular classrooms.  This spring, a survey on classroom preferences will be conducted at the Damon Campus.

Anne Hughes – Faculty Senate Website Demo
The Professional Development Committee, with the aid of Carol Burritt, continues the development of a Faculty Senate Website.  A draft of the site can be found under “Faculty Senate” through the A-Z index on MCC’s homepage.  The site provides information on Senate officers, Standing Committees and their work, meeting dates, meeting minutes and Senate awards.   Suggestion for the site’s format and/or items to be included can be forwarded to Anne Hughes or Carol Burritt.

3.  Announcements (D. Cox)
a.      The December Senate meeting will include the All-Faculty meeting.
b.      D. Cox met with President Flynn and Vice President Glocker regarding the Renaissance Center.  VP Glocker and R. Degus will be invited to the January meeting to provide updates for the Senate, although to date, there have been no decisions made that affect any programs. President Flynn reported proposals to double residence hall space and construct a field house on the Brighton campus will use MCC Association, Inc. and/or MCC Foundation funds.

c.      The Middle States study is progressing and the committee(s) appreciates the cooperation from all who have participated in interviews, focus groups, etc.

d.      The Ad-hoc Committee for Mandatory Orientation has been formed and will be starting its work soon.

4.   Announcements – Student Senate (G. Roseler)
The Ibero League is sponsoring a “Wish List Giving Tree’’, located in the Campus Center and holding wish lists from area children.  Donations are due by noon on December 3.  A silent auction of student artwork will be held in January with a portion of the proceeds going to the MCC Daycare Center.  Breakfast with Santa will be on December 11.  The DCC student government is involved with several charitable activities, including new toy donations for the holidays.

Approval of Minutes: The October minutes should be corrected to identify C. O’Brien as
Speaker of the Student Senate.  The minutes of the October 21, 2004 meeting were approved as corrected.

4.      Standing Committee Reports
Academic Policies: B. Connell
The committee reviewed the Resident Hall Policy Manual and met with Shelitha Dickerson, regarding summer registration and residency requirements.  They also considered an alternative final exam schedule received from a faculty member but found it not feasible for administration of departmental exams. The final exam schedule for the first summer session was revised to hold the last Friday open to administer final exams. The committee met with Dr. Salvador who agrees student progress reports should include a student signature line.

The Executive Committee has finalized the charge to the Ad Hoc Committee for Mandatory Orientation and set an April 4th deadline for the committee’s report.

Curriculum:  (S. Ruckert)
The committee has given final approval to the following new courses:
ANT 205:  Archeology Filed School
EMG 101:  Introduction to Emergency Management
EMG 105:  Public Information Officer-Basic Course
ASL 104:  American Sign Language IV

      The committee has given final approval to the following course revisions:
CEL 101:  Community Service Learning
IDE 101:  Introduction to Interior Design I
COM 112:  Desktop Publishing I
CRJ 222:  Criminal Justice Education Internship II
TRS 104:  College Study Techniques:  Reading in the Content Area

The committee has posted three proposals for faculty review and placed the proposal for REA 101: College Literacy and Reading on hold pending open hearings.  Open hearings for the proposed course will be held on both campuses at a date to be announced.

NEG:  S. Cable
At their meeting on October 28, the committee started the process of updating the current membership list and revising Senate resolutions.  The Executive Committee has received the NEG’s report on Faculty Senate membership issues and will seek input from the College community before proposing any bylaw changes.  The topic will be a focus at the December 16 All-Faculty Senate meeting.  An electronic synopsis of NEG’s report will be sent to the Tribune as well as senators for distribution to their constituents.

Planning:  D Mueller
Proposals for Strategic Planning grants are due December 22.

Professional Development: A. Hughes
Senators were reminded the deadline for NISOD nominations is December 1.  Eight copies of each packet are required.

SCAA:  J. McCauley
No report.

5.      Old Business
Ad Hoc Promotion Committee Update
A representative from the Ad hoc Promotion Committee met with the Executive Committee November 4.  The committee plans to present its report to the Senate at its December meeting.

Academic Calendar
The Senate voted unanimously to approve the proposed academic calendars for Fall 2007, Intersession 2008, Spring 2008 and Summer 2008.

6.      New Business
The agenda for the December 16 All College Faculty Senate Meeting will consist of brief committee reports from the standing committees followed by reports from NEG and the Ad-hoc Promotion Committee.  The meeting will held in Monroe A/B beginning at 3:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Cox               Terri Tugel
President               Secretary

Minutes approved at the December 16, 2004 Faculty Senate meeting.

Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Office