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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Faculty Senate Minutes - 1/27/05

January 27, 2005

PRESENT: P. Bishop, C. Boettrich, S. Cable, S.Callan, B. Connell, L. Chrzan-Williams (Vice-President), D. Cox (President), K. Doyle, S. El Rayess, S. Forsyth, T. Gilbert, E. Grissing, R. Hammell, A. Hughes, K. Humphrey, N. Karolinski, P. Keyes, D. Leach, A. Leopard, M. Marino, J.McCauley, D. Mueller, N. Murage, S. Murphy, J. Nelson, P. Peterson, M. Rizzo, S. Ruckert, D. Shaw, J. Smith, E Stewart, M. Timmons, T. Tugel (Secretary), P. Wakem, H. Wheeler, W. Willard,

H. Wynn-Preische
ABSENT: T. Archie, I. Benz, F. Burger,T. Digiacomo, J. Ekis, S. Fess, J. McKenna,
M. Pastorella, B. Smithgall, J. Thompson, V. Toth,
GUESTS:  J. Alas, V. Avalone, J. Glocker, L. Silvers
1.      Meeting called to order: 3:35 p.m.

2.      Guest Speaker: Louis Silvers – Faculty Council of Community Colleges Update
The Faculty Council of Community Colleges (FCCC) is composed of representatives (delegates) from the thirty community colleges within the SUNY system and functions in an advisory role on community college issues. Whether FCCC delegates are faculty or administrators, all serve the common function of representing their individual institutions and serving as liaisons between the FCCC and their home campuses.  FCCC delegates meet on a regular basis with sites rotating among the system’s community colleges.  Delegates are appointed to subcommittees and the president of the FCCC sits on the SUNY Board of Trustees. A lot of variety exists within the FCCC with regards to the size and scope of member institutions; however MCC enjoys an excellent reputation among council members.

Chancellor Robert King met with the FCCC at its most recent meeting in Syracuse (OCC).  He spoke of the unparalleled role community colleges now play within the SUNY system, with enrollment equal to that of the system’s four-year colleges and universities. The SUNY provost remains committed to campus-based assessment initiatives and all but a few community colleges have approved assessment plans in place. By Fall 2006, campus based assessment is to be fully implemented, including assessment of mathematical, communication and critical thinking components.  The GEAR (General Education Assessment Review) has called for a special panel including faculty to discuss implementation of this assessment, ensuring it remains faculty driven. L. Silvers briefly discussed Chancellor King’s retraction of his request for a sabbatical.

Two topics for future FCCC discussion are Governor Pataki’s proposal to issue financial “bonuses” to institutions linked to student graduation rates and making individual campuses’ assessment results available to the public.

3.      Announcements
a.      Because the Executive Committee did not meet regularly during the semester break, there was a delay in approving and subsequently posting recent Executive Committee minutes. Minutes will be posted on a regular basis since the Executive Committee is meeting on a weekly basis.

b.      J. Glocker provided the Executive Committee with information regarding committees investigating development of the Renaissance Square.  D. Cox urged Senators representing departments potentially impacted by these developments to see that faculty representation is provided. Faculty names should be forwarded to D. Cox.

c.      John Witherspoon has agreed to represent the Faculty Senate on the Banner Committee.  Questions or concerns regarding Banner implementation and its impact on faculty should be directed to J. Witherspoon.

d.      Current terms for Senate officers expire at the end of August 2005.  Senators were encouraged to consider nominnees for spring elections.

4.      Announcements – Student Senator G. Roseler
Student Government continues to work with Student Services addressing handicap issues on campus.  A mixer will be held for campus clubs and organizations, which includes a newly formed Native American club. February activities include a blood drive on February 14, a black tie affair and silent auction of student art (February 17), celebration of Black History and Women throughout the month, and an MCC Idol contest, performance dates not yet determined.  A proposal for meal cards to use at numerous campus locations is being developed as is a plan to install more ATM’s representing competitive banks.  An advisory committee is seeking to provide student tours and extend library hours in order to increase student use of the library.  A committee is reviewing by-laws of the Student Government Constitution.

5.  Minutes from the December 14, 2004 meeting were approved. 

6. Standing Committee Reports

Academic Policies (B. Connell)
The current grievance procedure will be among the topics discussed by the committee at their January 31 meeting.

Curriculum (H. Wheeler)
The committee has given final approval to the following new courses:
ECE 252:  Designing Environments & Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
ECE 253:  Professionalism in Early Care & Education

Three curriculum proposals are posted for review:
      PST 265:  Public Safety Leadership Development Seminar
LDS 201: Leadership Development Seminar II
CRT 280: Court Reporting VII

H. Wheeler noted the announcement at the November Senate meeting that COM 105: Typography and Composition had been given final approval was made in error.

Open forums for REA101: College Literacy and Reading will be held on both campuses.
DCC:  Tuesday, February 15 at 3:30 p.m. in room 4141
Brighton:  Wednesday, February 16 at noon in room 8-300

NEG (S. Cable)
S. Murphy and D. Cox were thanked for facilitating discussion on faculty senate membership at last month’s senate meeting.  The committee’s report has been forwarded to the Executive Committee and any proposed revisions to membership criteria would be voted on by senate membership this spring. 

Elections for Senate Officers, the Non-teaching Representative to the MCC Association Board and Senators will be held this spring.  Formal calls for nominations will go out in early March; however anyone interested in any of these positions is invited to contact current officers or a member of the NEG committee with questions. The committee will meet February 8 to begin preparations for these elections.

Planning (D. Mueller)
The committee has received proposal packets for strategic planning grants.  A matrix is in place for evaluating proposals and the committee will be meeting weekly to do so.

Professional Development (A. Hughes)
NISOD award winners, Maria Kendig, Karen Coffey and Nayda Pares-Kanes, have been announced in the MCC Tribune.  The committee is still accepting ideas for the June Professional Development workshop. The Faculty Senate website continues to be updated and the committee welcomes comments and suggestions regarding the site.

SCAA (J. McCauley)
A search has been initiated for an Associate Dean for Technical Education requiring SCAA’s participation.  The committee will begin preparations for this spring’s department chair elections.  

Old Business
The Ad Hoc Committee for Promotion has given their final report to the Executive Committee, who will review the report and share comments with the Senate at its March meeting.

New Business
There was no new business.

Meeting adjourned 4:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Cox               Terri Tugel
President               Secretary

Minutes approved at the February 17, 2005 Faculty Senate meeting.

Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Office