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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

Easels--They're Everywhere, They're Everywhere!!

Quoting from the retired ABC commentator Andy Rooney, “have you ever noticed…” There is a dramatic increase in easels across our campuses. I’m not sure where they are coming from, but it seems many departments on campus are in competition to be noticed. I saw six easels set up in the entrance to building eight and 4 easels (one blocking the defibrillator) in building 5 and another three easels folded up and stacked on the bench.  

I started this message in a light hearted way but I cannot emphasize enough that easels are truly a safety hazard when too many of them block exits and exit paths, block hallways and block other emergency equipment. They become a tripping hazard for crowded hallways at class change and are always a hazard for persons with disabilities.

I’m sure the people setting up the easels for advertising don’t realize they are creating a hazard and I also hear many times how “other people move them”. The Campus Safety Office will have no choice but to remove easels we find creating a safety hazard.

I appreciate your cooperation with this and if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at extension 3151 or via e-mail.

Martin Gilmore
Safety/Hazard Prevention