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MCC Daily Tribune

Baby Safety Month

Founded by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) in 1983, Baby Safety Month (BSM) occurs every September and offers a great chance for parents and retailers to brush up on baby-proof safety standards and tips. Every year, JPMA offers toolkits to manufacturers, retailers, doctors, and parents to help educate them on childhood safety. Babies aren’t the only ones going through a huge learning curve in life – the rest of us often need to brush up on our skills in order to ensure no accidents occur.


  1. Spread awareness on social media

    Get #BabySafetyMonth trending with other parents or professionals who work with babies, and you may just save a life. Babies grow rapidly and so do their needs, so spreading awareness of this month is helpful for all parents struggling to keep up and maintain a safe environment for their child. Plus, you can post a photo of your baby with the hashtag, which, to be honest, you were going to do anyway.

  2. Educate yourself

    JPMA offers many toolkits for baby safety, specific to what you’re looking for. Their pages range from covering the basics to detailing how to assess product safety and buckle in a car seat. There’s nothing lacking for new parents and those who work with children! Once you’ve read up on what does and doesn’t pose a threat to your baby, do a daily check to make sure your environment and products stay safe to use.

  3. Invest in safe baby products!

    As much as most manufacturers strive for safety, there’s a chance that not every item in your home is baby-proof. Read up on what poses a threat to your bundle of joy, and make sure it’s far out of reach or locked away. Then, go out and research a new fun product for your baby that meets all required safety standards! Peace of mind knowing your child is safe is invaluable.


  1. Soft Snacks Only

    Harder foods present a choking hazard for babies - make sure their food is soft and easy to swallow.

  2. Medicine Isn’t a Spoonful of Sugar

    Beware of teaching children that medicine is candy, as this could lead to them taking your medicine when you aren’t around.

  3. Don’t Toss the Baby

    Shaking a baby or tossing him in the air can cause blindness or brain damage.

  4. Watch for Broken Toys

    Even very baby-safe toys can present a hazard if broken. Be on the lookout for any of your child’s toys that have been damaged or come apart - make sure all pieces/toys are larger than the child’s mouth.

  5. Baby Gates Everywhere!

    Baby gates can be heavily employed to keep babies away from the many things that pose hazards to them - drawers with sharp objects, rooms with open electrical sockets, pools, and more.


  1. Babies are the cutest!

    Who doesn’t want to make their little angel safer? Babies melt nearly everyone’s heart and are always a symbol of innocence, love, and new beginnings. Using this month to dedicate a little extra time and love to our babies is just fine by us.

  2. Sometimes, parents need some help

    Even if you have the best parenting instincts on Earth, caring for a new life that depends entirely upon you is not an easy feat. The best intentions can’t stand up to ignorance, so parents should use Baby Safety Month as an opportunity to educate themselves on the products they purchase. Greater awareness of the risks in your home and life can only lead to a safer and healthier life for your child.

  3. It’s a great excuse to invest in quality baby equipment!

    Every parent has an equipment wish list, and now they can be assured each item on it is as safe as possible. Let’s be honest, the hand-me-down high chair is more than a little ratty, and according to the standards for baby equipment you’ve learned about, it might not even be safe. This is the perfect excuse to splurge on the nice one, the one that even somewhat goes with the kitchen decor… what, can’t safety look good, too?

Sarah Benedict
MCC Wellness Council