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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

President's Wednesday Message

For several years, I have served on the leadership council of Opportunity Nation <>, a bi-partisan DC-based organization dedicated to restoring access to economic opportunity for America’s youth.  One of the partners of Opportunity Nation is the US Chamber of Commerce, which represents the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions.  Leading up to this year’s presidential election, the Chamber has launched a series, “Dear 45”: open letters to the incoming US President about critical issues impacting economic opportunity in our nation. 

Opportunity Nation was asked to provide one of these letters, and I joined my colleagues and friends Robert Denson (president, Des Moines Area Community College) and Eduardo Padron (president, Miami Dade College) as co-authors.  Our letter, Equal Access to Opportunity is Needed to Keep the American Dream Alive <>, asks our incoming 45th President to focus on assuring America’s youth have access to the quality education and meaningful employment that will improve their economic future.  As we write, “Many rungs on the nation’s historic ladder of opportunity are in critical need of repair, and we must work together to ensure the rungs on this ladder are strong enough to hold all young adults willing and wanting to climb them.”

Regardless of who wins the November election, our new President will face considerable but not insurmountable challenges in restoring opportunity to our nation’s youth.  We want our new leader to know that America’s community colleges stand ready to partner with employers to make this opportunity a reality. 

What message would you share with our next President?

Anne M. Kress
President's Office