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Faculty Senate December Minutes


December 15, 2005                                                                                                                                                                        
PRESENT:  E. Baxter, I. Benz, P. Bishop, F. Burger, S. Cable (Vice-President), B. Connell, K. Doyle, K. Eirich, S. ElRayess M. Ewanechko, S. Fess, M. Fugate, C.T. Gilbert, E. Grissing, R. Hamell, K. Huggins, N. Karolinski, R. Kennedy, P. Keyes, A. Leopard, M. Marino, J. McKenna, D. Mueller, S. Murphy, J. Nelson, P. Peterson, S. Ruckert, D. Shaw, D. Smith, B. Smithgall, E. Stewart, J. Thompson, M. Timmons, T. Tugel (President), P. Wakem, H. Wheeler ( Secretary), H. Wynn-Preische, W. Yanklowski.

ABSENT: C. Boettrich, R. DeFelice, J. Ekis, S. Forsyth, A. Hughes, D. Leach, M. Pastorella, M. Rizzo, V. Toth, W.Willard.

GUESTS: E. Basnayake, D. Baxter, S. Blacklaw, P. Burgess, C. Guess-Bardques, K. Cardello, D. Cecero.P. Collinge, K. Collins, C. Cooper, M. Erickson, A. Flatly, B. Goldfarb, J. Hinkelman, T. Keys, R. Mack, N. Primo, E. Putnam, M. Reyes, J. Rao, F. Rinehart, Cy. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Stainton, A. Topping, Ta.Vinci.

STUDENTS: T. Pinkins, G. Salmon

1.             Meeting called to order:   3:35 p.m.

                a.             Terri welcomed guests

                b.             Jeff Thompson announced the January 17th Professional Development workshop

                c.             Thanks to Dick Degus for providing refreshments for today’s meeting.

2.             Guest Speaker: Ed Martin (Classroom Committee)

                a.             Ed is the Chair of Ad Hoc Classroom Committee which has been in place since 1988

                b.             Classroom Committee members: Susan Belair, Ken Huggins, David Lane, Amanda Malone, Ed                                    Martin, James Murphy, and Paul Tracy.

c.             The committee is responsible for looking at classrooms shared by all departments, and they represent faculty when it comes time to rebuild or refurbish classrooms.

                d.             Even though faculty members report problems to ETS or Facilities, the classroom committee                                          would like concerns to be reported to them as well so they can follow up and make sure a                                                resolution is found.

                e.             A concern was expressed about not having enough oversized desks for large students. Ed                                 replied that they are trying to find a balance because in the fall semester, some faculty members                                  complained that the oversized desks make group work and movement around the classroom                                   difficult.

f.             Temperature variations in classrooms are still problematic, and Ed encouraged people to report any problems so the committee will have data to help document the problem.

                g.             A representative from the classroom committee will serve on a committee for Renaissance Square.

                h.             A suggestion was made for a dimmer switch in the larger classrooms where power point is often                                  used. These are expensive, but cases have been made in the past for their installation.

                i.              Ed encouraged faculty to work with Deborah Benjamin regarding classroom preferences for tables                               versus desks, for example.

j.              A question was asked about a standardized system for recording problems as faculty members
aren’t always sure who to report problems to. Ed will follow up.

3.             Issues and Concerns from Faculty

                a.             T. Tugel opened the discussion by encouraging faculty and staff to voice their concerns.

b.             A concern was expressed that with the turn over of faculty and staff and the demise of the gold
book that faculty and staff aren’t as familiar with the Faculty Senate Resolutions as they might be and
that policies may differ from practice. A suggestion was offered that the Senate think            about
ways to publicize the policies so the college community can be aware of them. NEG has been
working on checking the Resolutions to make sure policy and practice match.

                c.            SCAA will be conducting a parallel search for the Dean of Liberal Arts position. Open hearings                                will be held for candidates and faculty will be invited. T. Gilbert reminded faculty members to                                 forward any thoughts or concerns from the open hearings to SCAA for their consideration.

d.             There was discussion regarding whether division members have a vote regarding the hiring of
new deans. Recent past practice has been to take an informal poll at a meeting of the division’s
voting faculty to learn about their opinions regarding the candidates. The EC will check the resolutions
regarding this issue.

                e.             Index cards provided for additional comments yielded the following concerns:  

i.              The administration has told faculty members how they can and cannot use the professional
development funds which is not part of the current contract.

ii. .           Currently only the yellow lines are plowed  in parking lots which leaves the rest of the lot icy and difficult to navigate.

iii.            Classes begin at 6:30 am and several faculty members are working in their offices that early, yet computer technical assistance isn’t available until 8:00 am.


4.             Announcements: T. Tugel


                a.             The Student Survey goes out every three years and it may be possible to put multiple questions on                                                the survey regarding the academic calendar or other issues of concern to faculty. Questions should                                                be forwarded to Ed Grissing who is working with Research.


5.             Student Announcements:


                Greg Salmon (DCC):

                a.             The Civility Committee is working on a statement and campaign to promote civility at the                                              Damon Campus.

                b.             A January welcome back event is planned with a Caribbean theme, steel drums, and club tables.

c.             Black History Month events include a film, discussion with the producer and performances by the gospel choir.


                Troy Pinkins (Brighton)

                a.             A campaign will start over intersession to recruit student government members.

                b.             The Student Government Organization will be interviewing three candidates for the Student                                            Trustee position.


6.             Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the November 17, 2005 meeting were approved.


7.             Standing Committee Reports


                Academic Policies Committee -- E.Grissing

The committee is looking at the issue of a Dean’s List for part-time students and looking for consensus with regards to feedback regarding the withdrawal policy questionnaire.


NEG - S. Murphy

No report.


                Curriculum – A. Leopard

The Curriculum Committee has posted the following 12/5 – 12/ 16:


Seven New Courses:

                NC13F   EMG 208 Terrorism Response Planning

                NC14F   EMG 205 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management

                NC15F   EMG 202 Mitigation for Emergency Managers

                NC16F   EMG 106 Emergency Response Planning

NC17F   EMG 201 Disaster Response and Recovery Operations

                NC18F   EMG 104 Resource and Donation Management

NC19F   EMG 103 Developing Volunteer Resources


One Course Revision:

                CR9 PLE 108 Corrections Officer Basic Training


 The Curriculum Committee has given final approval to the following: 


One New Program

NP1F Cinema and Screen Studies AS


Two Program Revisions

PR 15S Computer System Technology AAS

PR4F Precision Tooling Certificate – MT03


One Course Revision

CR7F MUS 127 Applied Piano Minor II       


Three New Courses:

NC11F POS 234 Model United Nations (spring 2006)

NC4F     CE 155 Cooperative Education - Orientation to the World of Disney

NC12F ITA 207 Cinema for Italian Conversation


Two Course Deactivations:

CD1F     TAM 135 Drafting for Machinists I

CD7S  OFT 215 Administrative Office Management

Note: CD7S has since been withdrawn by the proposer due to anticipated         changes in the course intended to substitute for it.


                SCAA --  T. Gilbert

                SCAA is currently involved in three searches: Director of Public Safety, Comptroller, and Dean of Liberal    Arts. Departments who will need to elect a new chair will be receiving notice from SCAA.


Planning – B. Connell

The Planning Committee is waiting for grant proposal submissions.


The Strategic Planning Committee will meet in January with a representative for the Center for Governmental Research.


Professional Development – J. Thompson


                The Professional Development Committee joined with the Faculty Association in presenting the January     17th Professional Development workshop.


                The following people received NISOD awards: Terry Shamblin (TRS) and Jorge Alas (ESOL),  Alice               Harrington (ETS/Libraries), and Sally Barton Dingee (Student Services/Counseling and Advising)


8.             Action Items:


                Academic Policies: Probation and Suspension amended levels were approved unanimously.


               The following Curriculum action items were unanimously approved:


                                PR4F:     Precision Tooling Certificate –MT03

                                PR15S:  Computer Systems Technology AAS

                                NP1:       Cinema and Screen Studies AS


9.             Old Business




10.          New Business





Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terri Tugel                             Holly Wheeler 

President                                Secretary


Minutes approved at theJanuary 26, 2006 Faculty Senate meeting.

Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Office