Two weeks of programs to explore the perils, pitfalls, and concerns of digital downloading and using copyrighted material in the classroom and for personal use. Programs begin March 19 at Noon and will end on Friday, March 30 with the Great Debate.
MUSIC ROYALTIES: the facts behind the fantasy, a presentation by Lori Moses of VaPA. Monday, March 19 at Noon in the Warshof Conference Center, Flynn Campus Center (Monroe B). Who is it really hurting if you download that favorite song or movie from the Internet? That song can generate income for the artist from several sources, right? Wrong. Come join us for a look at the royalty formula and find out who is really losing when you download music illegally.
CITATION WORKSHOP: citing sources presented by Stasia Callan of English and Philosophy. Friday, March 23 at Noon in 11-109. If the need to use citations in a paper causes your head to ache, come to the workshop that will introduce you to the different styles. Between MLA, APA, CSE, and others, it can be confusing how things are supposed to be cited within the text and how the works cited list should be formatted. This workshop gill give you an overview of each style, tell you where to get help, and help alleviate some of the anxiety associated with citation.
THE GREAT DEBATE: copyright or copy wrong? A debate between student speakers and a guest panel and mediated by Tom Proietti of VaPA. Friday, March 30 at Noon in Warshof Conference Center, Flynn Campus Center (Monroe B). The illegal downloading of a song or film is a copyright violation and as such is subject to a penalty by law. There are many who think that since the ability to download music for free exists it should be legal but it is not. The crackdown on illegal file sharing is hitting college campuses everywhere leaving many students to pay large fines and leaving some with criminal records. Students interested in voicing a point of view must register in the Monroe Doctrine office (Bldg. 3-134) and must agree to abide by the guidelines. Participation is limited.
All events are sponsored by ETS and The Monroe Doctrine.
Lori Moses and Carol Wilkinson Monroe Doctrine and ETS 03/19/2007 |