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MCC Daily Tribune Archive

The Digital Downloading Debate: The Ethics of Using Digital Files and Intellectual Property - Brown Bags

As part of the two weeks of programs to explore the perils, pitfalls, and concerns of digital downloading and using copyrighted material in the classroom and for personal use, the following Brown Bag presentations are being offered.

March 21              Bldg. 11-109         Noon - 1 pm
FACULTY BROWN BAG: proving plagiarism  presented by Chris Otero-Piersante
As you are reading a students paper, does it just not seem like that student’s style? What do you do if you find out it isn’t the students work at all? Not only will resources for identifying plagiarism be covered in this workshop, but also how to go about reporting and proving it. Bring your lunch and learn the tools to help fight plagiarism.

March 26              Bldg. 11-109         Noon - 1 pm
PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION: plug the leaks presented by Bill Wagoner
When someone asks you for your social security number, what questions should you ask? How do you protect your personal information online? What are your rights when it comes to privacy and the release of information? Come join us to get all these questions answered! Not only will this workshop cover privacy and identity issues, but also a bit of computer hygiene as well.

March 28              Bldg. 11-109         Noon - 1 pm
FACULTY BROWN BAG: copyrights in academia presented by Tamara Hillabush-Walker

Is it legal to show a film in class or copy the chapter of a book and distribute it to the class? Maybe, maybe not. The TEACH Act extends the rules of fair use in the classroom and all faculty members should be aware of the legal stipulations of using copyrighted materials in the classroom and beyond. With today’s new technologies, the boundaries of what is considered a classroom have changed. Bring your lunch, and join us for an informational session on what the TEACH Act covers and how it applies to you.

Carol Wilkinson and Lori Moses
Educational Technology Services and Monroe Doctrine