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Minutes of the December Faculty Senate Meeting

December 11, 2003

PRESENT: G. Anderson, P. Bishop, W. Brewer, D. Brown, F. Burger, S. Cable, S. Callan, D. Cox (President), K. Doyle,
J. Ekis, K. Farrell, M. Filozof, C. Gilbert, M. Harris, A. Hughes, K. Humphrey, J. Kaufman, T. Keys, E. Laidlaw, A. Leopard, M. Marino, J. McCauley, M. McKinzie, P. Peterson, P. Sarantis, L. Silvers, J. Smith, E. Stewart, T. Tugel (Secretary), H. Wheeler, W. Willard, H. Wynn-Preische

ABSENT: T. Archie, I. Benz, M. Bower, L. Chrzan-Williams, T. Digiacomo, E. Grissing, R. Kuempel, D. Leach,
M. Mendez-Rizzo, S. Murphy, M. Pastorella, S. Ruckert, M. Timmons, G. Toth,


GUESTS: S. Blacklaw, R. Degus, D. Mohr, C. Rogalski, F. Rinehart

Meeting called to order: 3:32pm

1. Guest Speakers: 
a. Brian Hendrick encouraged faculty to attend the upcoming “Salute to Excellence” dinner on Tuesday, January 13, 2004.  Funds raised through the event support student scholarships and faculty enrichment programs.  Kodak will be honored as this year’s Salute to Excellence award recipient and Al Roker will give the keynote address. Hall of fame inductees include Doug Brown, Theresa Hall, Patrick O’Flynn and John Thompson.  MCC faculty and staff will receive a discounted price of  $75.00/ticket. Contact Brian Hendrick at 262-1500, or HYPERLINK " " with questions.

Tom Cooper, MCC’s representative to the Faculty Council of Community Colleges (FCCC) and Frances Dearing, MCC’s assessment coordinator summarized the events of the past several months regarding a a recent proposal to implement a SUNY system-wide assessment (i.e., “value-added assessment).  While a discussion of system-wide assessment is not new, the resolution adopted by the SUNY Board of Trustees this past June to develop to implement a system-wide assessment in the fall of 2004 was considered unreasonable by the Executive Committee of the FCCC.  A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining the procedure for value-added assessment and a timeline for its implementation was distributed to delegates of the FCCC in October with a request they endorse the MOU as a group. Instead, the FCCC drafted a resolution asking the SUNY Board of Trustees to rescind their resolution.  A number of communications from various SUNY governance bodies to Chancellor King followed.  Chancellor King has invited campus governance bodies to select their own plan for university-wide campus based assessment that meets specific criteria and submit these prior to the Board of Trustees meeting on Jan. 27, 2004.   Accordingly, T. Cooper is seeking input from the Faculty Senate, through the Executive Committee for MCC’s response.

Senators’ concerns included the use of a common instrument for all SUNY campuses (L. Silvers), the financial implications (e.g. funding) that might be tied to assessment (K. Humphreys), and the use of “norms” that have yet to be articulated (S. Callan). 

F. Dearing feels confident that MCC’s assessment efforts with general education put us well ahead of others and may provide a framework that can satisfy a state-wide mandate.  T. Cooper states enough compromises have been made in the original mandate that value-added assessment will be campus-based. Both agree it is important to be involved with the process, and we should be diplomatic and cautious in our response. 

2. Announcements (D. Cox)
a. Sandy Wynne was welcomed as the new secretary for the Senate. She is available to assist standing committees as needed. The extension for the Faculty Senate is 3381 and the office is located in 5-240.  Mary Rizzo was introduced as a new senator.

b. The January meeting of the Faculty Senate will be in the Empire Room, Warshof Conference Center, in the Campus Center.  The locations for the remaining spring meetings will be published soon.

c. Middles States review will be conducted next year and will provide a number of volunteer opportunities for faculty.

d. Tom Cooper will not be continuing as MCC’s representative to the FCCC at the end of this academic term.  The Senate will be seeking nominations in the spring to fill this elected position.

3. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the November 13, 2003 meeting were approved as written.

4. Action Items
a. H. Wheeler presented the following program revisions for Senate approval:
PR1(fall)  Health Career Studies
PR2(fall)  Business Administration AS  
Both proposals were passed unanimously.

b.  Stuart Blacklaw, dean of curriculum and program development, was introduced to answer questions on the revised guidelines for program review. S. Callan asked if research plans are in place to determine the effectiveness of the MCC programs.  S. Blacklaw noted the LA04 program presents some difficulties due to the diversity of options within it, however, that is the intent of program review and it is important that we show an effort to assess them. S. Cable questioned who would be responsible for gathering the data upon which the program review is based, noting this will be problematic for departments, especially those with few full-time faculty. S. Blacklaw stated much of the data, especially if applicable across programs, will be available through Institutional Research and it makes sense to centralize certain aspects of the data collection. In cases where information is program-specific, the process may be developed as the review moves forward. It is most likely, program review will be implemented in steps and experience will help this process.

Senators voted unanimously to pass the guideline revisions of the program review process.

4. Standing Committee Reports
Academic Policies (E. Laidlaw):
The committee is actively considering eight policies.  The committee’s response to the administration’s proposed exclusion/inclusion policy is almost complete and appears to be in agreement with the administration’s position.

Curriculum (H. Wheeler):
*The committee has given final approval to the following proposals:
        NC3(fall)       HMN 220:  Western Humanities I
        NC4(fall)       HMN 221:  Western Humanities II
        CR8 (spring):   CE263  Cooperative Education Interior Design
        CR83            HUM 160: Contemporary Urban Issues
        PR1(fall)       Health Career Studies
PR2(fall)       Business Administration AS

*The following proposals are posted for faculty review:
CR8(fall): TRS 103 Intermediate Reading and Writing Skills
CR9(fall): TRS 104 College Study Techniques-Reading in the                                                              

Content Area       
CD1(fall): MUS 102 Introduction to Music Technology
CD2(fall): MUS 103 Vocal Music for Non-Native Speakers
CD3(fall): MUS 130 Social and Recreational Music
NC10(fall): ECE 250: Infant and Toddler Development
NC11(fall): ECE 251 Family and Culture
NC12(fall): MAR 203 Sports Entertainment and Marketing
H. Wheeler reminded faculty all postings are announced through the MCC Tribune.

*This semester the committee has given final approval to 8 new courses, 10 course revisions, 1 course deactivation and 8 program revisions.

NEG (S. Cable):
* Mary Rizzo has filled the senate seat previously held by Michelle Reed, representing EOP,
Counseling, and DCC Student Services.
*NEG is continuing to look at issues related to voting faculty status and has asked the Executive
Committee to provide the committee with a specific charge addressing these issues.

Planning (T. Keys):
*December 19 is the due date for Strategic Planning proposals.  The committee will be reviewing these through January and February.

* An ad-hoc committee to discuss uses of Campus Center has been formed through Student Services.   The committee will be looking for two faculty senate representatives.  Please indicate your interest in serving on this committee (even if you have done so earlier).

Professional Development (W. Brewer):
*The Senate was reminded of the Professional Development workshop planned for Tuesday, January 13, 2004.  The topic will be mental health influences on student success and will be led by MCC faculty with expertise in these issues.  A hot breakfast will be served.  Details and a link to register for the workshop can be found in the MCC Tribune.  

* NISOD applications have been received.  The committee will be forwarding their recommendations to the

SCAA (J. McCauley):
*The committee is continuing its work to fill the position of Associate Dean of Workforce

5. Old Business
Inclusion/Exclusion Policy: E. Laidlaw reported the Academic Policies Committee is proposing a policy be adopted that includes a student’s program GPA as well as an overall GPA that reflects all college work completed at MCC.  The implementation of banner software will enable a dual GPA to be possible. The committee is working on the final language in its response to the administration’s proposal and will be presented at the January Faculty Senate meeting.

6.New Business
E. Laidlaw presented the proposed academic calendars for the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007, both of which will be action items on the January Faculty Senate agenda.  Neither differs significantly from the traditional calendars of recent years. The committee vigorously worked to offer a response to the administration’s proposal that meets the criteria for the calendar and includes a Columbus Day break, but was unsuccessful. Senators will be receiving electronic copies of the calendars for discussion with their constituents.

* R. Degus made the following announcements:
Phase II of the Campus Center project (south lounge and six meeting rooms) will be completed by the start of the spring semester. Individuals wishing to schedule an event in the Campus Center should contact Jean Cray.

MCC’s Holiday reception will be held on Thursday, December 18 from 4:00 – 6:00 in the Warshof Conference Center of the Campus Center.

Faculty were once again encouraged to attend the Salute to Excellence dinner.  

* P. Sarantis questioned if notification of final exam dates can occur earlier in the semester.  This would make it easier for students to arrange work schedules. D. Cox will look into this.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Cox             Terri Tugel
President               Secretary

Minutes approved at the January 29, 2004 Faculty Senate meeting.

Terri Tugel
Secretary, Faculty Senate